First Date

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For your first date, Adam took you roller skating. When you both arrived, Adam had paid despite your protests. Once you both had your roller skates on, you and Adam quickly set off. Adam wobbled around for a bit, trying to keep his balance as you held his large hands in yours, gently pulling him forward to skate. Not long after that he started to get used to it. You both would race around the rink, laughing and teasing one another. Adam was a charmer, so sweet and gentle. It was the best date you had ever gone on, and you wouldn't have traded it for the world.


As cliché as it sounds, Bree took you on a picnic. When you had arrived at the park, she was there waiting with a checkered blanket laid out on the grass and a picnic basket. It had brought a smile to your face as you sat next to her. There you both ate, telling jokes, and feeding one another grapes, strawberries, etc. It wasn't too hot nor too cold, the weather was warm and perfect.


Chase had taken you laser taging, you both agreeing that you would go against one another. You were on the orange team, and he was on the green, you were dead set on shooting Chase. You stayed hidden, shooting some of the opposite teammates dead in the center of their chests. You then spotted Chase, as he checked his surroundings. You silently walked up behind him, swiftly turning him around and pushing him up against the wall. You then leaned up as his cheeks flushed. As your lips were about to connect, you shot him in the chest, quickly running off. Chase stood there stunned, until he regained his senses, looking for you to get his revenge. In the end your team had won.


Leo had taken you to the movies to see the newest horror film. As the movie began to play, Leo did the classic yawn trick, wrapping his arm around you. You rolled your eyes smiling, leaning into his side as you both shared a bucket of popcorn. Leo thought that watching a horror movie, was a great way for you to get scared and cuddle up to him, but in the end it was him cuddling up to you. He clutched onto you as you chuckled softly.

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