When You Get Kidnapped

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You bite your bottom lip in worry as you shift your hands behind your back.

You've been taken hostage because apparently to take on the "big one" (Adam) was to learn his biggest weakness, which they found out was you.

Your kidnappers are some rouge students at the academy who wanted to take over the academy and rule, and these particular students were pretty smart and you knew from watching them train that they weren't afraid to hold back.

You worry for Adam and the others, and when you hear fighting and shuffling in the distance, you know that they're fighting.

When the closet door opens, you sigh in relief as Adam gently peels the tape off your mouth.

"I was worried," you breath as he carefully unwraps the tape from your ankles. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Adam assures as he turns you to the side to unwrap your hands. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," you nod. Once free, you jump into his arms.

"You're okay, I'm okay," he kisses your forehead. "We're okay." He stands a moment later, gently bringing you up as well. He smiles, "How about tonight we eat some ice cream and watch Disney movies?"

You nod, smiling, "That sounds great."


You try to keep calm, breathing in slow breaths to calm your frantic heart. You're sweating profusely and it's hot, it feels too humid.

You close your eyes, knowing that if you open them, you're going to freak out all over again.

You're buried alive.

They placed a collar on you to block your bionics before locking you inside a coffin.

The air inside is thin and it's suffocating. And you know that if you panic, you're going to run out air much faster.

You repeat a song in your head to keep you distracted, over and over again. After awhile you hear shuffling from above you, and soon enough the coffin is being ripped open.


You scramble into Bree's arms immediately, clutching onto her as tears threaten to spill.

She pulls away after several moments, and you can see the tears in her eyes on the brink of falling. "Are you okay?"

You nod, clutching onto her once more. You breath in her comforting scent, and you know she's actually there and for the moment, everything is okay. "I am, now."


There's yells and shuffling in the distance, but it's all faint, as if you're submerged underwater.

You blink slowly, seeing yourself sitting against the wall.

It's you, but it's not. This one is scarier, more evil, and she knows your deepest secrets and fears.

"You're not good enough for him, for anyone." She says simply, looking down at you. "They're all going to leave you one day. He's gonna leave you for someone better, someone who's more deserving of his love than you."

You blink once, twice.

"You're not a hero, you try to save everyone but you can't."

"I save...people." You protest weakly, shifting your face slightly against the floor. You're laying on your right side, and you can't move. Your body feels like a boulder that sunk to the ocean's bottom.

She shrugs as she looks at the wall across from her, which is behind you, "Maybe. You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and sooner or later..." She shakes her head with a tilt of a smile. "You're pathetic."

You hear a shift and suddenly light emits in the dark closet, and within a blink she's gone.

You're picked up and you're eyes shut instantly from the bright light. You hear voices but they're distant, like distant soft echos underwater.

You feel tapping on your cheek, and you squint to see a blurry Chase.

"Stay with me."

"What's wrong?" Bree asks, looking at your barely conscious form.

Chase uses his bionic eye to scan you. "She's been bitten. A venomous spider." Chase grits his teeth, knowing full well the people did this on purpose.

"Will she be okay?" Leo asks, checking your overheated forehead.

Chase jerks his head in a nod. "We gotta flush it out of her system. It won't kill her, but it is toxic. Lets move!"

You try to talk but your mouth won't move, and your throat feels constricted and dry.

You feel Chase's lips against your temple, whispering reassurances as he begins to move.


You glare as the knife makes contact on your chin.

"Such a strong, fierce, girl," the man smiles, wickedness gleaming in his eyes. "Why, you think you can handle it?"

You would have spat in his face if it wasn't for the rope that was tied between your teeth.

"Lets see how well you do," he huffs a laugh, drawing the knife painfully slow down your chin and neck, with feather-light touches.

You try to lean back but your bound in a metal chair that's bolted to the ground. When swallowing, the door bursts and the man is shot across the room with such force that he's knocked unconscious.

Adam and Bree are quick to set you free as Chase bolts to the man while Leo cups your face, checking you over for injuries.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I'm sorry for taking long but Mr. Davenport--"

"Leo, I'm fine." Your lips twitch in a smile, "I'm just so glad you came."

Leo nods, and when you're free he pulls you up into his arms. "I was scared," he admits in a whisper as Adam and Bree help Chase in tying the man up.

"I was too," you admit in a whisper as well. You pull back slightly to give him a reassuring kiss. "We're okay now, okay?"

He nods, his lips twitching up in a brief smile. "We're okay."

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