Pillow Fights

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Adam had begging you for the last few hours to help him build a fort, to which you finally agreed to hours later. 

As you pushed the couches closer together and put a blanket over them to create the 'roof', you felt something soft hit your back. 

You turned around to see Adam holding a pillow, a sheepish smile on his face. You grabbed the pillow from the ground and threw it back at him. 

This had quickly escalated into a pillow fight. Since Adam had super strength, he was careful not to use a lot of force in his hits, but you both still had a blast. Later you ended up cleaning the place before settling down in a cuddle session and watching re-runs of old cartoons. 


As you read your book, Bree had snuck up behind you and whacked you in the face with a pillow. 

You blinked several times in confusion as she burst into giggles, before she could attempt to hit you again, you were quick to grab the pillow. When snatching the pillow from her, she super sped away before you could retaliate. 

You had Geo-leaped into the hydra-loop area, which made her stop in her tracks. 

"Come on, love. Are you afraid?" You purred, causing her cheeks to flush. 

Taking the advantage, you threw the pillow in her face before Geo-leaping into the living quarters. Sighing in satisfaction, you were about to go back to reading your book but you were quickly pinned to the floor.

"You shouldn't have done that." She smiled, her hair draping on your face and collarbone.

You smirked, reaching towards the couch to grip a pillow. "And you shouldn't have done that."

You both had a pillow fight that lasted about half and hour until you both decided to settle down and watch a movie. 


It was around eight or so at night when you and Chase watched a movie, while the rest of his siblings went with Douglas to the mainland to help Douglas on a run to fetch supplies that were needed at the academy. 

Chase had initiated a pillow fight, which made you both soon forget about the movie that already ended. 

The room was dark except for the moon's lighting that shone through the windows. 

You had a pillow in hand, watching Chase move silently behind the couch, making you throw the pillow in his direction. You smiled in satisfaction as he ducked behind the couch, releasing a startled yelp. 

When darting past the capsules, Chase took his chance and threw his pillow at you, laughing when it hit your body. 

You disappeared in the darkness, away from the windows as Chase did as well. You smiled as you saw the faint outline of his body. "I'll get my revenge."  

"I'd love to see you try," he challenged, looking around for you.

You chucked the pillow to the back of his head, and when he turned, you pinned him down to the couch. He lost his breath momentarily but before he could breath again, your lips were on his. 

You moved your lips passionately against his, dragging his lips with yours. And when pulling away, he wore a goofy grin as he spoke breathlessly, "We should have more pillow fights often."

You ended up throwing a pillow in his face.


Leo had been pestering you for hours about having a pillow fight, claiming that you both needed a release from stress. He wasn't wrong. After all, Mr. Davenport had scheduled you all to have a little more training than usual, and you and the rest of the Davenport siblings had been going on a lot more missions lately.

You refused though, claiming it was childish. 

As you plopped down on the couch, Leo was quick to thrust a pillow in your direction, hitting you square in the face. 

When noticing his error, his face turned to one of terror as you gave him one of your deadliest looks (which Adam would receive the most). 

You picked up the pillow. "If it's a pillow fight you want. A pillow fight is what you're gonna get." 

For the rest of the night, you and Leo went to war, throwing pillows at one another.

When Mr. Davenport and the Davenport trio came by, Mr. Davenport took one look in the room before simply walking away. Not wanting to interfere in a deadly war, the Davenport trio followed in Mr. Davenport's footsteps. 

Turns out Leo ended up being right, pillow fighting was a stress reliever.

And it turned out, pillow fighting may have not been as childish as you thought it would be.

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