You Hear Them Talking About You

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As you walked down the hall, you had heard two voices, which made you slow to a stop. You didn't want to eavesdrop, but curiosity had taken over as you leaned against the wall, hearing Adam and Leo talk.

"So, how is your relationship going?" You heard Leo ask.

Your heart began to pound as your mind whirled with thoughts. You were worried, that was until Adam spoke.

"Oh, it's going great! She's super nice and sweet, and she actually listens to me. There's no other girl like her, obviously since she one of a kind. She means everything to me."

You couldn't help the big smile that appeared on your lips as you walked into the living quarters. "You're everything to me too, Adam."

You then had shared a sweet kiss, which made Leo clear his thoat. "Now, I know you guys love each other and all, but Adam was mine first." Leo motioned to the game. "We got some playing to do."

"Of course, Leo."


It had been like any other day, and you knew Bree wasn't training her students at the moment, so you had made your way to the Hydra-loop area.

As you walked in, you saw Bree talking to Mr. Davenport, which made you hang back.

"Oh, Mr. Davenport, she's great. She's just so kind and loving." Bree sighed, a dazzed smile on her face. "She's so amazing. I couldn't imagine being with anyone else but her."

You smiled as you geo-leaped to her side, giving her a peck on the lips. "You're pretty amazing, too."

"Okay, okay," Mr. Davenport began, "keep the PDA under control."

"No one cares. See anyone watching?" Bree asked, looking around, seeing everyone minding their own business.

"Okay, I get it." Mr. Davenport nodded. "Just keep it down to a minimum, that's all I ask."

"I'll make sure we make out in front of the student body." Bree smiled, as you both burst into fits out laughter.


Everyone had taken the day off, Mr. Davenport taking the students on a field trip, leaving Douglas, the Davenport trio, Leo, and you. Douglas needed you to fetch some files that he had and to bring them into the training area, where he and Chase were working on a science experiment.

As you were about to walk in, you had stopped and moved behind the wall, listening to Douglas.

"Oh, come on, man! You're completely smitten by the girl. Tell me about the girl!"

You knew that Douglas just wanted Chase to talk.

"Well, she' smart, sweet, stubborn, and very understanding. She understands me on so many levels and she's always there for me no matter what. I couldn't imagine my life without her."

You smiled softly as you walked in, handing the files to Douglas. "I got your files." You turned and brought Chase into a kiss. "I couldn't imagine my life without you either."


As you were about to head into the living quarters, you saw Tasha and Leo, which made you back track and stay out of sight by the pool.

"So, when will you be married off and have kids?" Tasha asked, reaching into the laundry basket.

"Mom!" Leo cried in embarrassment.

"What? Sorry! Okay, blue or green undies?" She held up his boxers.

He gave her a glare as she retuned it, ten times harder.

"Green." He gritted, face softening as he folded a shirt. "Anyway, she's great, and she has an amazing personality. She's the only girl I want to spend the rest of my life with."

You felt yourself smile as you made yourself known. "I wanna spend the rest of my life with you, too."

Leo had pulled you into a hug as you heard Tasha 'awwing' in the background, making you smile a bit more.

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