Training Together

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"Leo won't be training with us, wonder why?" Adam asked, stretching his arms.

"Well, last time he saw us working out, we scarred him and made him faint." You explained, stretching your legs.

"Point taken." Adam nodded, as you both made your way to the blue mats.

"Okay, when I say go, you go--" You were cut off by Adam pinning you to the mat. "Or not."

"Sorry, all I heard was go." Adam smiled. "Though, I kinda like this position."

Your cheeks burned as Leo walked in, hands over his eyes. "Is it safe? Can I uncover my eyes?"

Adam rolled off you as you sat up. "Yes, Leo."

He peeked through his fingers, seeing you both which made him uncover his face completely. "Well, good."


Bree had made you geo-leap around the training area as she used her super speed to try and catch up to you. This exercise helped you both. For you, it helped you geo-leap all around at a decent pace. It helped you concentrate and think fast on where you needed to geo-leap. It helped Bree to be quick on her feet (no pun intended) and to think quickly also.

As you geo-leaped around, Bree had sped towards you, catching you and spinning you around and planting a kiss on your lips.

"If this is what I get everytime you catch me, I might let you catch me more often." You smiled as she had rolled her eyes in fondness.


When you both trained together, it was both physical and mental. When training together, you would learn how to defuse bombs, study the most sensitive and weakest parts of the body, strategize and analyze fighting techniques, and also to study your opponent; to predict their next move. Knowing what to do when someone was in danger, everything really.

Now, Chase had made a self-destruct bomb that you had to defuse before it would 'explode'.

"Okay, you got sixty seconds." Chase looked down at his tablet. "Your sixty seconds!"

You quickly got to work, analyzing the different colored wires, trying to remember what Chase had taught you.

"Okay." You exhaled.

"Fourty seconds."

As you untangled the wires and moved certain ones around; Chase kept counting down the seconds, making you roll your eyes in slight irritation.

"Yes, thank you for your commentary, Chase, it's not distracting at all." You huffed, cutting the gold wire, defusing the bomb before the countdown could finish. You jumped up in victory. "Did you see that? I did it!"

"I know you did. Want a reward?" He asked, a hint of a smile forming on his lips.

"How about a kiss?" You grinned.

"I can do that."


Mr. Davenport had created these gloves that could make the user activate a force field to protect themselves in battle. For training, Mr. Davenport had let you use the gloves to help Leo practice throwing his spheres more effortlessly with ease (and also for you to know how to activate them in battle if you ever used them).

"Come on, Leo, faster!" You commanded, using the force field as Leo aim his spheres at you.

"I'm trying!" He huffed, throwing his spheres at fast (and careful) as possible.

After a few minutes he stopped to get his breath back as you deactivated the shield. "Not bad, Dooley. Not bad at all."

"You kidding me? I've seen my grandma do better." Perry scoffed, eating from a bag of popcorn. "Put your back into it, Dooley."

"I'll try next time." He retorted with an irratated eyeroll, smiling when he seen you trying to stifle your laughter.

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