How They Comfort You

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You usually needed comforting when you had nightmares. Adam wouldn't mind if you woke him up at whatever time because he knew you needed him. He would let you curl in his lap while he rubbed soothing circles on your back. And when you felt guilty for disturbing his sleep, he would brush you off because you were more important than sleep. He was glad you came to him because he didn't ever want you to ever be alone during these times.


Whenever you were sad, Bree would go and hug you, swaying you gently side to side. When you relaxed against her body, she would rub your back, assuring you that everything was going to be fine. She never wanted to see you sad, because not only were you hurt; she was hurt as well seeing you in pain. When she would tell you she loved you, it would make you crack a small smile.


When you weren't in the best of mood, you would isolate yourself from everyone. He knew you like the back of his hand, inside and out. He knew when to lay off, or to say certain things to make you feel better. He would know what you needed in certain times and situations, doing his best to provide you with anything that made you feel better and if that meant giving you your space, he would. You both knew one another so well and corresponded together like nothing and it was sometimes scary. It was a blessing yet a curse.


Leo would know something the was up the minute you were quiet, or tried brushing things off and claiming you were fine. He would  hold you close, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, telling you that he would always be there if you needed him.  And even if you tried to resist his comforting nature, you would eventually cave in. And when he would see that tiny smile on your lips, he knew that he was successful at comforting you.

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