Hanging Out

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As you got your lunch, you scanned the tables, trying to find an empty seat. As you looked around, you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around to see Adam smiling.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to sit with me and my siblings."

You nodded, grateful that you didn't have to sit with any stangers as Adam led you to a table.

"Guys, this is [Name], [Name] this is Bree and Leo," Adam introduced as they waved.

"What about me?" another boy asked.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you because you're so short. That's Chase," Adam smiled, as Chase rolled his eyes.

You smiled as you sat next to Adam. For the rest of the lunch period, Adam made jokes and teased Chase, causing you to laugh which brought a smile to Adam's face. You slowly broke out of your shell, joining in some of the conversations, but mostly talking to Adam during the lunch period.


A couple of weeks went by, and you and Bree had grown close, not to mention also grow close to her siblings. Out of all though you were closest to Bree. She had invited you over to have girl time, so when Chase let you in, you couldn't help but look around in awe.

"Wow, this place is incredible," you breathed.

"One of tbe perks of having a billionaire father," Chase stated, as Adam strode in.

"Oh, you're here, Bree! [Name] is here!" Adam shouted, as Bree jogged into the living room.

"Hey, [Name]! Now, if you excused me, we'll be going now," Bree stated, smiling as she took your hand and dragged you down the hall towards her room.

There you both watched movies, ate snacks, cracked jokes, and judged people in the movies for hours, not having a care in the world.


There was a month until your next math test, so during that time, Chase had invited you over to his house to tutor you. You had met his siblings the same day your teacher introduced you to Chase. As Bree let you in, you saw Adam and Chase in the kitchen area.

"Oh, did you come by to see me?" Adam asked smiling.

"Actually came here to see Chase, like how I do every other day," you replied.

Chase smiled smugly at Adam, as he hopped off the stool. You both walked towards the couch, sitting down as Adam stood up as well.

"If Chase ends up boring you, you knows where to find me," Adam smiled, as he walked away.

You and Chase begam right away, him giving you math problems and helping you solve them. After two hours, you grew bored.

"Can we do something else? I'm bored and we did like eighty math problems," you stated, leaning back on the couch.

"Actually we did a hundred and ten," Chase corrected, as you rose a brow, "But who's counting? What do you suppose we do then?"

You smirked as you dug into your backpack, pulling out four cans of silly string.

"Silly string? Really?" he asked.

"Mhm, did I forget to mention that we'll be shooting Adam?" you smirked.

Chase quickly grabbed two cans, as you did the same, calling out for Adam. Lets just say by the end of the day, Adam was covered in head to toe with you and Chase hiding for cover, laughing till your stomachs ached.


"Leo!" you called, as Leo whipped around to see you.

"Hey," Leo greeted.

You walked towards him, excusing yourself from the passing students.

"Where's Adam, Bree, and Chase?" you asked.

"Oh, they had a doctor's appointment this morning," he smiled, a bit nervously.

You thought it was a bit weird but pushed it aside.

"Anyway, so I've been seeing Trent bullying a few students lately, so I decided to teach him a lesson," you stated.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked, taking a step closer.

You smirked, pulling out a bottle of kitchen oil from your backpack.

"Well, usually Trent comes in through the double doors. So, I was thinking we could pour this on the floor, so when he walks in, he'll slip and fall in front of the whole school," you smiled.

"That's genius! I knew I liked you for a reason! What are we waiting for? Let's go!"

As you poured the oil, Leo kept an eye out for any sign of Trent. Once you coaxed the floor with oil, Leo turned around with wide eyes.

"He's coming!" he exclaimed.

You and Leo then booked it, hiding out of sight as Trent walked in. Trent's foot slipped, as he kept fumbling around his arms and legs, trying to keep his balance. Students gathered around laughing, recording and taking pictures. Trent looked like a headless chicken running around. You had your phone out recording, laughing as well as Leo and the other students. Perry came out, wondering what was going on, but ended up laughing at Trent, doing nothing to help him.

Lets just say the video hit it big, having millions if views.

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