Ring Pops Lead To...

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"Marry me?"

Water spews everywhere.

"Are you okay?!" Adam runs his hand smoothingly up and down your back.

You nod, clearing your throat and wiping your chin to rid of the water droplets. "I'm fine." You turn to your right to face Adam. "What did you just ask?"

Adam's lips tilt up in a smile, twisting the green ring pop with his thumb and index finger. "Marry me?"

You can't help but smile at his cheesiness. But there he looks so hopeful, eyes shining with glee that you can't help but say: "Yes."

He slips the ring pop on your pinky since it's small. And your smile widens as you look up at Adam.

"Just you wait." Is all he says, before getting up from the couch to greet Leo by the door.


She slips the ring pop on your finger before declaring, "We're married now."

"One, it's a ring pop. And two, don't I get a say?"

She shakes her head with a smile. "One, proposing with a ring pop is cute. And I already know we're gonna get married in the future."

"How are so sure?"

"Because I love you, and you love me." Her face becomes serious. "We're young right now for marriage, but I know that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you."

It astounds you that she seems so confident that you'll be together for what seems like forever. She's confident with your relationship, and it warms you from the inside out to know that she believes in your relationship, that her love for you is real.

It shouldn't be a surprise, but it still surprises you that she loves you so much.

"I wanna spend the rest of my life with you too." You give her a quick, but sweet kiss. "One day."

"One day," she repeats with a smile.


There Chase goes, rambling on about having too much sugar as he sees you open up a bag of ring pops beside him.

"Just shut up and eat one."

"I'm just looking out for you," he says, as you ruffle through the bag. "Is it so wrong to want you to live a long life?"

You shake your head. "Of course not." You pick out a red ring pop and slip it onto his finger. "But it wouldn't hurt to have one ring pop, and I'll give the other rings to Leo or something."

Chase flexes his finger, and suddenly you notice that you slipped it on his ring finger.

And all you can say is: "It fits."

"It fits," he repeats.

It's suddenly silent until you say, "Would you? One day, with me?"

He looks up from the ring to you. "Of course," he says immediately. His smile is soft and small. "Where would we go?"

You shrug nonchalantly. "Wherever. As long as I'm with you, just not in the summer. Too hot."

He smiles as he looks back down at the ring. "Whatever you want."

"We'll do whatever we want," you correct. "We'll make it however we want, together."



"Let's get married," Leo says, after slipping on the green ring pop on your finger.

"Now?" You scoff, "Leo-"

He takes your hand and drags you up the sand, walking down a little ways to where the waves lap on the shore. "Unofficially official."

You can't help but smile, rolling you eyes as he asks, "Do you, [Name], take Leo to be your lawfully, handsome, husband?"

"I do."

"As do I," he agrees, while you slip on a blue ring that was on. your right hand onto his finger.

"I'm pretty sure we're doing this wrong," you laugh, as Leo beams at his blue ring.

"It's the thought that counts." He straights up, and in a deep voice, says: "Now you may kiss the-"

He doesn't get to finish as you surge forward to kiss him.

He slowly pulls back with a smile. "Should have done this long ago."

"We'll do it officially someday."

He agrees, "Someday."

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