Break up

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You were sitting with Chase in the Hydra-loop area, going over his math and scientific calculations and formulas that he created to make some chemicals that he was going to show and present to his class.

As you looked over his formulas, you heard a slam, causing you and Chase to look up to see Adam enter the training area. You excused yourself politely as you walked into the training area.

"Adam, you okay?" You asked.

"No, actually I'm not. All I ever see you doing is hanging out with Chase all the time. You don't spend anytime with me anymore but are always with him. Tell me, when was the last time we spent time together?" He asked.

You couldn't remember.

"If you spend so much time with him, might as well date him."

You knew that he had some sort of jealously with Chase, but you didn't expect this.

"Adam, it's--"

"No!" He shouted, making you take a step back. "I'm tired of this, of everything! I can't- I can't do this anymore."

With that he had walked away.


You and the Davenports had just came from a dangerous mission, and Bree was lecturing your ear off, telling you how dumb you were. You had pushed her out of the way of a collapsing building and just missed it by centimetres.

"Bree! Can you stop! I saved your life, can't you be thankful?" You asked, turning around to face her, while the boys stood off to the side watching.

"No! I could've ran. I have super speed and you don't! I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you could've died!" She yelled, throwing her arms up.

"Oh, so now I can't take care of myself? You know what? You are too much right now." You stated, walking past her towards the door.

"If you walk out that door...we are through." Bree stated.

You stopped for a moment, but not turning around. With a quiet sigh, you walked out the door.


It was late in the night, around midnight or so, when you came back to the academy. You would usually sneak out when you needed a break, or had too much on your plate, which was quite often. As you walked into the Hydra-loop area, you jumped slightly in surprise when you saw Chase sitting on the cyber desk.

"Where have you been?" Chase asked, jumping off the cyber desk.

"Out." You replied, walking forward only to have him block your path.


"Chase, it doesn't matter." You sighed.

"It does matter! You're always leaving in the middle of the night! You block your bionic chip and I worry about you. I have no idea where you go, what you're doing, always wondering when you're gonna come back. You're gone all the time!" He explained.

"What? Do you not trust me? That's my business, what do you-- are you...questioning my loyalty?" You asked as he just looked at you. "You are."


"No! Out of all people, you should know that I'm not that type of person. I'm loyal to whoever I'm with and if your questioning my loyalty, then maybe we shouldn't be together." You stated.

"Yeah, maybe it's best if we just broke up." He said with a cold glare, walking away.


As you came out of the training area, you were met with Leo giving you a glare.

"What's your problem?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows.

"What were you doing in the training area?" He question, crossing his arms.

"Helping a girl work on her abilities, why are you asking?" You quirked a brow.

"There really is a girl? Or was it really a guy?" He asked.

"Leo, it was a girl. Why are you getting mad?" You asked.

"Because I'm pretty sure a guy walked in there." He informed.

You then remembered the guy who he was talking about, but the kid had just passed by to get to the dorms.

"Oh, dear." You sighed. "Leo, he was--"

"Are you cheating on me?" Leo asked.

"What? Gods no! Why would I ever do that?" You asked bewildered.

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you were." He stated.

You stood there stunned, how could he say that?

"You know what? If you think I'm cheating, then we shouldn't be together."

"Fine." He replied, walking past you, bumping your shoulder as he went.

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