Cute Private Moments

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You had heard several taps on your capsule, making you blink your eyes open to see Adam in his pajamas wearing a big smile. 

You opened your capsule with a yawn. "Adam, what are you doing?"

"I have a surprise for you, sweetheart. Follow me." He smiled, taking your hand as he lead you to the training area. 

When you both had arrived, you were instantly awake, seeing a few candles lit up and picnic blanket splayed out on the floor with a small basket. 

"What is this?" You asked, as you both sat down.

"This is a late date night." Adam smiled opening up the picnic basket. "Bree helped me with the idea and helped set it up and stuff, to make sure I didn't burn anything. Sorry if it isn't perfect."

"Adam, this is perfect." You smiled.

Your smile had grown bigger as he pulled out two grilled cheese sandwiches. He was cheesy all right.


You and Bree had stayed up a bit later than usual, just lying on top of a blanket on the floor. Bree was dozing in and out of sleep as you traced random patterns on her back. You assumed that she had fallen asleep, so you began tracing the words; I love you.

After a few minutes of growing tired, you had laid beside her, pulling the blanket over you both. Just as you were about to fall asleep, Bree suddenly had wrapped her arms around you, pulling you close to her. 

"I love you too." She murmured before falling asleep.

You had smiled as you cuddled up to her, kissing her forehead just before falling asleep.


You and Chase were out on the beach, laid out on a blanket as he pointed out and explained the constellations. Even though he was explaining it in a scientific way and you mostly had no idea what he was saying, you had smiled as you laid your head on his chest. 

He had stopped then, being taken back by surprise momentarily. "You okay?" He asked. You hummed, hearing his steady heart beat. "You have no idea what I was saying, do you?"

"Nope, but I like when you talk science to me."

Chase smiled, his fingertips grazing your back softly. "Is that so?"

You hummed once more. "Yes, now keep talking."

And so he did.


You and Leo were cuddled up on the couch, just talking about everything and anything in general. The Davenport trio had a meeting with Mr. Davenport, so that had left you and Leo to have some quiet, private time to yourselves. 

You really enjoyed this moments, when no one was around and there wasn't any distractions. It was peaceful.

"Guess what?"


"You can call me Nemo because I am never afraid to touch the butt."

You rolled your eyes half heartly. "Wow Leo. Way to ruin the moment."

"Okay, I got better one." Leo cleared his throat. "Are you Ariel? Because I think we're mermaid for each other."

You hummed, laying your head on his chest. "Still cheesy, but that was a bit better." You then tapped his chest. "No more pick up lines, because you take them too far."

"Do I?" 

"Yes, you do." You smiled. "Now be quiet. Or else you won't get any kisses for a week."

"We both know that's a lie."

"Shut up."

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