What Happens During a Vacation

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Adam would want to see everything during a vacation, no matter what is; a trip to Disney World, a trip to the beach, a trip to the mountains, etc. You don't mind it because with Adam, everything is ten times more interesting. He'll ramble off about what he sees, and he'll be so excited about everything, even about the simplest thing.

He'll try whatever food too, he'll even eat a fried cricket or bug if someone offers. If he likes whatever food you think is gross, he'll eat it.

If you go to a place that has rides, he'll be the first in line to ride it. He'll try to go on everything and sometimes you'll have to pull him away from doing so, if he and Leo try to ride the same ride a hundred times.

Adam would make the vacations more enjoyable and even if you two are simply sitting in a quiet place or a hectic one, or visiting a cold or hot place, you best bet that Adam would make sure that you're doing everything that you want to do as well, because he'll make sure you're having fun too.


Bree during vacations will try and drag you into every shop if possible. She'll love to look and shop for items or souvenirs to keep either because she wants them or to "remember the experience". She can spend hours doing so, so you'll have to drag her out to have fun.

Even if you all go out in the snowy mountains, she'll try to force Douglas or Mr. Davenport to take her to the closest town and shop. Or just before getting to the cabin, she'll make them take a pit stop so that she can look around.

When you do drag her out to have fun, she'll grumble at first but she'll thank you later on because in the end, she would be able to balance out everything she wanted to do.


Depending on the vacation, he'll debate on what exactly he'll want to do. He'll do his research on the place and the environment and everything there is to know about the place.

If it's hot, he'll go outside but there has to be sunscreen, places where he can cool off, water, it's a hassle. And if it's cold, he'll go outside too, but he has to make sure he's warm or that he or anyone else won't get sick.

If you go to Disneyland or Disney World or whatever place that has tons of rides, he'll most likely won't go on because "do you know how many people died on it? The ride could stop at anytime, or..." He'll ramble on and on about the dangers and the "percentages" of stuff actually happening.

You'll have to force him to do stuff whether it's skiing, ice skating (which he is terrible at), or going on rides, or whatever. He won't admit it at loud, but he'll be thankful for you forcing him to do stuff because in the end, he would have fun.


Leo would want to experience everything, no matter what you do during vacation. He would want to go sight seeing, want to taste all kinds of foods, go visit every shop depending if it looks interesting or not.

If it has rides, you better best bet he'll try to go on every single one. And you sometimes have to drag him away from riding one multiple times.

Food wise, he'll try anything as long as it looks good, even if it's cooked scorpions.

He'll want to experience everything and do as much as possible before going back home. Sometimes, he'll accidentally leave you behind to see something, or if you want to do something else, he'll leave you with someone else but most of the time you two are together.

"We're two peas in a pod" He'll tell you as he drags you to wherever he wants to go, but he'll take you to wherever you'll want to go too because he wants you to enjoy the vacation as much as possible.

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