Body Swap

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As you got out of your capsule, you took notice that you felt more heavier than usual, and taller...way taller. When you glanced down at your hands and body, you realized that it wasn't your body. Before you could ponder on the thought, you hear a shriek. When you ran to the living quarters, you saw yourself clutching your hair.

"Why do I have a girl's body?! Why do I have your body?!"

You sighed, knowing that you were going to have to be the rational one in the situation.

"Adam, everything is going to be okay." You assured him.

It felt weird, knowing that it wasn't your own voice, but Adam's.

Adam was still freaking out so you hugged him. "We'll go to Chase. He'll help us."

He nodded as you both headed to the training area, pulling Chase aside privately. Chase was the only one who knew, and helped you both get into your own bodies. Even though the process was slow and awkward, you would never forget this experience, but you nor Adam would ever bring it up again.


You were grouchy and tired from going to mission after mission, which happened to be five in a row. All the training too was making your body sore than it already was. All you wanted to do was rest and cuddle, but with Bree being a mentor, she was quite busy. After your training session with Adam, Bree strode into the training area.

"How are you doing?" She asked.

"I'm tired and sore, and all I wanna do is cuddle." You replied as she giggled.

Leo then walked in with two water bottles in his hands. "I'm assuming that you both are tired and dehydrated, so I brought you some water."

You both had thanked him, drinking the water. It tasted a little weird but you pushed it aside. Once you were finished, you and Bree headed to the living quarters, cuddling and soon falling asleep on the couch. After a few hours when you woke up, you came face to face with your face.

You jolted upwards, realizing that you were not in your body but Bree's. Your jolting had woken up Bree.

"What is going on?!" She asked, eyes blown wide.

"I don't know-- Leo!" You gasped.

Her eyes dawned with realization. "LEO!"

She had jumped out and ran out to find him but luckily the body swap only lasted twenty-four hours.


Chase was gloating to you about a serum that he and Douglas created that allowed the user to switch bodies with another. He seemed really proud of his work. The serum was actually coffee, but you completely forgot about it while you and Leo played video games.

At the end of the day, you were sitting on the couch as Chase sat on the stool, working on his math and scientific formulas. Douglas though, offered you both coffee which you took without hesitation. Soon after he left, you heard a thunk, causing you to turn to see Chase sleeping on the counter. When you stood up, you suddenly became dizzy and fell unconscious.

When you regained conscious, you noitced that you were sitting at the counter and that's when everything seemed to click in place. Your irritation flared as Douglas asked you if you were okay, but to keep calm and to prevent Spike from making an appearance, you just nodded.


Leo had dragged you to the training area, where Douglas and Chase had set up a little mini lab, explaining a serum that allowed two people to swap bodies. As Leo held up the beaker, Chase had yelled at him which made him drop it. The chemicals had splattered onto both your ankles and then suddenly everything became a blur. When you re-opened your eyes, you were looking at yourself, groaning when you realized that you both switched bodys.

Leo made a few comments about how beautiful he was all while you asked Chase and Douglas how long the serum lasted, which was only a few hours.

"Leo, I swear if you look down your shirt, I will tear your head off." You threaten as you saw him pinch his (your) shirt.

"....Can I at least have a little peak?"


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