When You See Them In a Swimsuit

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"You all right?"

You snap out of your daze, looking up into Adam's eyes with a questioning hum.

Adam smiles down at you, "You've been staring."

"Oh," your cheeks burn as you lower your eyes to your book.

You've been staring at Adam since he entered the pool. You couldn't help but watch the way his muscles rippled and moved as he swam, watching his arms flex as he moved through the water. And just watching the water drip down his back...

"It's okay," he laughs as you close your eyes briefly in embarrassment. "Besides, I think it's cute."

"Adam," you whine, embarrassed.

He laughs again, face full of delight. "Wanna join me?"

"No," you try scrowling at him, but it's hard since you're not really mad at him.

"Too bad." He's quick, getting out of the pool and throwing your book to the side, picking you up and tossing you into the pool.

"Adam!" You break the surface, teeth chattering from the cold.

"Aww, are you cold?" He teases, jumping in and swimming towards you. "How about I warm you up?"

And there's no way your saying no to that.


You whistle when Bree drops her towel, showing off her new swimsuit.

She rolls her eyes, but you know she's pleased.

"Is this Heaven? 'Cause if so, man am I glad to be here." You wink at her.

"You're so insufferable." She huffs as she enters the pool, sighing in content as she makes contact with the cool water.

You smile, "You love me."

"Unfortunately," she huffs.


She laughs as she sinks into the water for a few seconds before popping back up, pushing her soaked hair back. "I know you have a swimsuit under your clothes, you gonna join me or what?"

She laughs when she sees you trying to scramble out of your clothes quickly yet, unsuccessfully.


"Hot damn."

Chase rolls his eyes as he sees you checking him out without shame. "Really?"

"Well, I've never got a good look at you since you like to wear so many layers of flannels--"

Chase scoffs, "Do not."

"-- and if you wanted to become a Winchester, I'm not opposed to it--"

"I don't understand that reference."

You smile at him, sighing. "I got my very own angel." He gives you a look. "Even better." You check him out once more. "Also, it wouldn't hurt to show some skin. I think it would be best."

"Why?" He cocks an eyebrow.

"Because then I can check you out all the time." You sigh, "It'll make me very happy."

His lips quirk up in a small smile. "I'll make sure to a mental note then."

You hum, "You better." You then open your book from your lap. "Now, you can go. I gotta finish this. Make sure Bob doesn't try to drown Spin, remember what happened last time?"

"Of course," he sighs, looking down the beach to see Bob chasing Spin through the group of students.

You smack his butt, making him yelp. "Off you go."

He shakes his head with a smile as he walks off down the beach.


"Like what you see?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

He wiggles his eyebrows at you. "I think you do."

"Why would I like to check out a scrawny stick like you?"

He places his hands over his heart. "Ouch, you wounded me."

"Well, I was aiming for the heart." You wink.

"You're mean." He tries to frown, but his lips twitch.

You smile, "I try." You shake your head. "You're not bad looking. I honestly enjoy looking at you."

"Really?" He asks, flattered by your compliment.

"Really, really." You smile sincerely. You knew sometimes Leo would get insecure about his looks, so you tried to remind him that he was pleasing to the eye. "Now, if you find me some seashells, you'll be rewarded."

"With what?" He looks at you curiously.

You smile with mischief. "With lots and lots of kisses and cuddling."

That's all it takes to send Leo running straight down the beach, dragging Adam towards the water to send him to collect seashells for him to give to you.

You smile in amusement as you turn to the younger students to keep them company.

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