When You Irritate One Another

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It was hot, and Adam wanted a drink so you made him pink lemonade. The thing was, he didn't really understand why it was pink.

"Why is it pink?" He asks, looking down at the clear pink glass.

"Because it's pink lemonade." You nod towards the drink.

"I've never seen any pink lemons," he turns his head to look up at you from his sitting position on the couch.

"That's because there are no pink lemons," you furrow your brows in slight confusion.

"So what makes it pink?" He arches a brow in questioning.

"Well...you know, it's...shut up," you wave him off. "It's pink lemonade. So just drink it and don't question it."

He gives you a sheepish smile as he goes take a sip. "Okie dokie."


"Bree, where are you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I can't find you anywhere in the academy." You tell her through the phone. "I know you're not on the island so I ask; where are you?"

"I'm on the island, just hiding from you." She giggles.

"Bree, I know you're lying." Your tone is sharp and firm, and you know that she'll cave and tell you the truth.

Because she does within seconds.

"How do you know?"

"Because I lie professionally." You say as you enter the Hydra-loop. "Also, I checked the security footage. You're not as slick as you think you are."

You smile when you hear her muffled grumbles over the phone.


You gaze at the paintings on the walls as Mr. Davenport leads the students through the art museum. It's another educational field trip and since it's educational, Chase sprouts facts when he sees certain paintings (and even if it wasn't an educational field trip, he always finds a way to lecture the students in an educational way).

"Oh, the Mona Lisa," Chase turns back towards you to get your attention while walking backwards. "She was painted by Leonardo..."

"DiCaprio," you reply without a beat of hesitation.

"Da Vinci!" He exclaims in frustration and disbelief. "How do you - I mean--"

"I'm just kidding," you laugh at him. "I know who painted the Mona Lisa."

Chase gives you a look which sends another bout of laughter through you.


"Aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living?"

You look up from your files to look at Leo with an unimpressed look. "It must be hard with your sense of direction," you say, standing as you collect your files from the cyber desk. "Never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line."

You turn and walk out of Hydra-loop area, leaving both a dumbfounded Leo and an amused Chase.

"Wow," Chase smiles, his lips curled in amusement. "You sure wooed her." Chase then laughs. "Is this the right time to say shots fired?"

"No!" Leo strangles to say. "No! You have no right to say that!" Leo takes off, jogging after you. "[Name]!"

"Shots fired!" Chase yells after Leo.

"Shut up!" Chase hears Leo's voice echo through the halls of the academy.

This makes Chase shake his head and laugh.

A/N: So many references...

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