In My Dreams...

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Seeing what you dreamed about made Adam feeling nothing but warm inside.

To see you two chasing after your own kids - two identical little twin girls with his looks and your sweet charm.

To see the silver wedding bands gleaming in the afternoon sun, it was beautiful.

You all were so happy, laughing and smiling without care.

Adam couldn't help the small smile that appeared on his face, because your dreams were much like his own. To live a happy life with children.

Douglas left Adam in the room just for only a little while. Douglas would come back to turn off the machine, but for now, he let Adam bask in what was a possible future for him and you.


Bree was left breathless when she saw herself with you on the screen, resting on the sand while your children played where the land met the water.

You and Bree did talk about adopting kids, but that conversation was so very rarely spoken since you both were still too young for kids. But to actually see that you dreamed about it was astonishing.

Bree couldn't help looking over at Douglas with a beaming smile. Because she was delighted that you loved her so much that you dreamed of a future together.


Chase wasn't sure what to expect when he saw what you dreamed about, but it surely wasn't this.

To see you reading to a toddler by a fireplace, and to see himself helping out a small child who could be no older than five, coloring in a coloring book. He knew instantly that these were your children.

It was a peaceful scene to witness, and to see himself sharing a loving smile with you made his heart drum.

Chase's lips tilt in a small smile when he takes in the scene. Yeah, he wanted a future just like this with you.


Leo knew you both were gonna have children, after all, he did temporarily meet his own daughter. But to see you dream about, it made him realize that you wanted this too. Perhaps neither of you did talk about it, but the question was always there; were you both gonna have a family?

Yes! Leo huffs a silent laugh when he sees himself - covered in blue and yellow paint - chasing his daughter. To see her taking refuge behind your legs as you take a protective stance. Your belly swollen, which was no doubt another child.

Leo couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen. A future with you will be no doubt the best future that he could have.

A/N: Ten more parts and this book is complete! If you wanna request, please do so now!

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