What You Wear Of Theirs

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You like to wear Adam's sweaters and t-shirts. They engulf your body, and they're so comfortable that you usually steal them from Adam. Not that he minds because he thinks you look adorable in them. And when sometimes he can't be with you, you wear his sweaters because it reminds you of him and they smell exactly like him.

And when you're feeling playful, you use the long sleeves to whack people.


You and Bree usually share (steal) one another's clothes. But if she has a favorite shirt, she'll usually hide it so that you don't take it. But you'll eventually find and wear it which makes her a little fussy. But she does the exact same thing to you so most of the time you're even.

Sometimes you take all her favorite clothes for the fun of it, which pisses her off but it's hilarious.


You take his plaid and flannels. He pretends to be irritated because "You take all my clothes" but you know deep down he doesn't mind. You've caught him more than once admiring your form in his clothes. So you continue to wear his stuff because it pleases you both.

And sometimes you eventually find a flannel or two mysteriously ending up in your clothes.


You like to wear his shirts because they hold his scent and when he's gone, you'll throw on a shirt of his and scent it because it comforts you. And Leo absolutely loves when you wear his stuff, unless it's his favorite shirt that is.

When you're both fighting, you'll end up wearing his favorite shirt which sends him off his rockers.

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