Patching Things Up

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As you walked into the living quarters to talk to Bree, you had stopped in your tracks, seeing Adam covered in marker as he scribbled down on a poster board.

He looked up to meet your gaze, quickly standing up as he fiddled with the red marker. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see Bree. What are you doing?" You asked.

His cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he fiddled with the marker even more. " was making a sorry poster board. Bree told me what you said as she comforted you. I felt really bad, so I was trying to make you a sorry postar board, but, um, it's not turning out so great."

You then noticed all the boards behind him, some saying I'm sorry and others saying I'm so angry with myself, please forgive me. 

You smiled softly as you walked up to him. "You still love me?"

"Who said I stopped?" He whispered. "Do you think you can give me-us another chance?"

You saw the hope, yet doubt swimming in his eyes. You smiled at him softly. "Of course."


You decided to sit out on a mission, knowing that if you went, you would get distracted by Bree. Douglas had informed you that the team were back in the living quarters, which made you break into a run. Even though you and Bree were through, you still had to make sure that she was safe. Just as you were about to walk in, you stopped, watching Bree talk to the boys.

Her back was facing you as she talked to her brothers. "I can't believe it. How can I be so stupid?"

"Well, that's why she pushed you out of the way. She loved you and didn't  want to see you die." Adam told her.

It then clicked in your mind that Adam had just told her what you had told him before.

"I can't believe this, I ruined everything and it's all my fault." Bree said,  eyes glazing over.

"It's not." You said, making her whip around. "We just had an argument and we took it father that we should've. It's not your fault."

"I'm sorry." She whispered, tears threatening to spill over. "Do you think we can- we can work this out?"

"Of course my love." You smiled.


"Hey, Leo?" You called, walking into the living quarters without tearing your gaze from your tablet. "Do you wanna have a horror movie marathon? I could really use it to get my mind off things." When you looked up, you saw Chase instead of Leo. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought Leo was here." You turned to leave, but Chase quickly stopped you.

"Wait!" You turned back to look at him as he continued. "Look, I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I shouldn't have questioned you, assuming things but I did. It wasn't my place, but I did because I thought you didn' me anymore." He tore his gaze away from you as he continued. "Life is about getting hurt. I get hurt all the time, and I know you do too. I shouldn't have said what I said, and I knew you wouldn't ever do those things to me."

He then pulled out his phone, playing a recording of your voice.

"In the end, I'm the one who gets left behind, abandoned, and betrayed. Why would I want to something so horrible to the one thing  I love and care deeply for?"

Your gaze flickered to the phone and back up to Chase. 

"I'm truly sorry for my actions, and I was thinking  if we could give it another shot?" He asked, his voice wobbling a bit. "Be mine again?"

You smiled faintly as you nodded. "I'll be yours again."


"I can't believe she's leaving." Bree said as Chase nodded. 

"She needs time, but she can't do that here." Chase replied.

"Who's leaving?" Leo asked, putting his tablet aside.

"[Name]." Chase answered.

Leo jumped up from the couch. "What? When?"

"Right now." Chase answered, looking down at his watch.

Leo booked it from the room, with the Davenport trio following quickly behind. Just as you were about to enter the Hydra-loop, Leo rushed forward and blocked your way. 

"Leo?!" You asked in surprise. "What are you doing?"

"You can't leave! You can't! I'm sorry for everything. I know I make stupid mistakes. I might not be the best or perfect person in the world, but I can't let the one thing I love slip away because of my foolish actions." You stared wide eyed at Leo as he stepped closer, taking your hands in his. "Chase told me what you said, and I felt like crap knowing that it was my fault  that we ended something beautiful. Will you become my Queen again, and rule by my side?"

Your eyes glazed over as you nodded. "I will always  be by your side my King. After all, what is a king without his queen."

"Utter crap." Bree stated, causing everyone to laugh as you and Leo nodded in agreement. 

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