Happy New Year!

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You smile, watching Adam sitting on the edge of the couch, leaning just a little forward with rapt attention to watch the ball drop on the tv.



Grabbing your wine glass filled with sparkling apple cider, you shift just a little to press gently againt Adam, threading your fingers together.


He's the love of your life.


The yin to your yang.


Your one and only.


Adam shifts quickly, letting go of your hand to grasp your cheeks, bringing you forward to press his soft lips against yours.

"One! Happy New Year!"

Apple cider sloshes from your wine glass, dripping down the smoothly onto your tightening fingers.

Apples and sweet chocolate explode on your tongue, and your right hand tightens in his grey sweater, bringing him flush against you.

Breathlessly pulling away, you're drunk off everything made entirely of Adam.

Whispering, Adam says, "Happy New Year."

Murmuring the same sentiment, you lean in again to taste the one and only Adam Davenport.

A very Happy New Year indeed.


"You know you're not supposed to kiss before midnight, right?"

Without stopping, Bree reaches beside her to grab her saved candy bar, chucking it in the direction of her annoying brother.

Chase yelps, and you can't help but smile against Bree's lips.

Pulling reluctantly away from the taste of her strawberry lips, you look over Bree's shoulder to narrow a squint at Chase. "What Bree and I do is none of your buisness."

"Yeah, Chase." Bree throws an annoyed glare over her shoulder. "Now butt out before I put itchy power down your uniform."

"The count down!" Adam yells excitedly.

As they count down from ten, Bree moves in to kiss you again, but you swerve your head in order to adore her face with a kiss each time the clock ticks one second toward midnight.


A kiss on her forehead.


A kiss on her left eyelid.


A kiss on her right eyelid.


A kiss on her right cheek.


A kiss on her left cheek.


A kiss on her nose.

And finally, a kiss on her coated strawberry lips.

She holds tight, her hands pulling at your waist and shooting a swarm of butterflies through your stomach. A kiss filled with kisses has your heart pounding deliciously inside your chest.

Pulling away to rest her forehead against yours, you can't help but lazily smile at her. "Happy New Years."

"Happy New Years, my love."


"You're making me wait until midnight."

That's all he says, and when all you do is smile, he understands.

That doesn't mean he particully likes it. Sure, sometimes when it gets real busy with missions or classes, you won't share a kiss until the end of the day. Nintey-eight percent of the time, you both share kisses throughout the day.

You actively not choosing to kiss him for twenty-four hours just to tease him, makes him sigh. He goes along with it, and he goes on his daily routine. He can wait, he's not impatient when it comes to you.

He doesn't think about the kiss, forgetting about it until the last ten minutes till midnight.

As the time draws close, he finds himself also being drawn to you, his skin buzzing with anticipation and excitement.

There's mild to no talk between the both of you. Instead you watch over everyone crowded in the training area, waiting and talking excitedly to watch the ball drop.

When the ball drops, you're pulling Chase in with a hand on his hip and a hand on the nape of his neck.

Lips meeting, the kiss is slow and not what he had anticipated. It ignites every nerve inside his body, his mind melting to goo, and his stomach burning aflame.

He loses every train of thought, breathing just a little heavier as you tug his bottom lip between your teeth.

"Happy New Year," you murmur, pulling away.

He mumbles it back incoherently, which makes you laugh.


"C'mon, just one kiss."

"You gotta wait."

"Midnight is in an hour!" Leo whines, trying to lean in once more, only to be blocked by your hand.

"Leo, it's tradition."

So he leans back, his lips in pout which you can't help but giggle about.

He waits, occupying his time talking to Mr. Davenport and bantering with Chase about movie knowledge.

("It's just a movie, Chase. Not everything has to make sense.")

("Yes it does! Then it throws off the movie and people get turned off by it.")

("Only nerds get turned off when they can't understand something.")

Chase about explodes, and you and Bree can't help but laugh as Adam comes walking with Tasha carrying two large bottles of apple cider.

When the countdown starts, everyone grabs their respective wine glass. Leo however, squeezes and wiggles his way between you and Bree.


Just when the count down reaches two, Leo's lips are on yours. You can't find it in yourself to care when he kisses you with everything that he has; all the love and anticipation bleeding through his heart and onto his lips to give to you.

"Happy New Year!"

Pulling away, you smile at your dopey boyfriend. "You didn't wait until midnight."

He shrugs. "It was close enough."

Leaning in at the same time your lips collide in excitement, the wavelengths of love coursing between each kiss exchanged.

A/N: Just six more parts and this book will be complete. If there's anything you want to request or suggest, let me know!

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