Taking a Bath Together

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Taking a bath with Adam was interesting, to say the least.

One moment you were relaxing in a bubble bath with soft music playing, and in the next, Adam came barging in.

You squeak, slipping down until your chin was touching the surface of the water. "Adam!"

Adam was grinning as he shut the door behind him. "I have to tell you what I did to Chase."

"Can you tell me later?" You shift your eyes everywhere, avoiding his gaze. "I'm a little busy at the moment."

Adam looks at the bubbles that fill the tub. His eyes fill with excitement as well questioning as he meets your eyes. "Can I join you? I swear I won't do anything, I promise."

You gnaw your bottom lip, thinking. Adam has always been respectful toward you and your choices. And even though you both never gone beyond a make out session, you trusted Adam. Adam was always sweet, and you knew he didn't have any intentions to go beyond kissing just yet. And when looking at him now, you knew he just wanted to be close to you while taking a bubble bath.


You look away as Adam sheds his clothes, and your heart thumps in anxiousness as well as excitment. You never done this before, but if you were to do it with someone, it would be Adam.

When Adam finally settles down in the tub, he reaches for the soap, squirting more soap into the water.

"What are you doing?" You ask.

Adam swirls his hand in the water, creating more bubbles. "Making bubbles."

"There's aleady enough bubbles."

"There's never enough bubbles."

You bite your bottom lip with a smile, and when there's enough bubbles to fill Adam's contentment, he reaches for the two-in-one hair soap and puts so much in his hair that it becomes foamy and bubbly.

You laugh when Adam shapes his hair in a mohawk.

Adam squirts more into his palm before asking, "Can I do your hair?"

You think for a moment before saying, "Yes."

Adam shifts closer, keeping his distance a little as he reaches for your hair.

You smile as his soapy fingers gather all your hair on top of your head. Adam talks about his prank on Chase as he does your hair, and when he finishes telling his story and playing wih your hair, he taps your nose, leaving a soapy residue. "Boom! Your hair is finished."

You reach up to feel your hair, laughing when you realize he's make a giant spike out of your hair. "Adam!

"You're my unicorn," he says, leaning close to quickly kiss your lips before leaning back.

You smile at him, reaching up to cup his cheeks, "Your unicorn."


You and Bree decided to take a relaxing bath after a tough mission. And even though it would be the first time doing so, you weren't really worried. Granted that you both would be nude, but you and Bree have been together for so long that it didn't bother you. Plus you both were comfortable with one another to the point were you were able to change in front of one another, so there really wasn't a worry. You both trusted one another and that was all that mattered.

When getting in the bubbly bath together, Bree went on a vent talking about her problems for the week as you listened with your eyes closed.

"Hey." Bree nudges her foot against your knee. "You listening?"

"Mhm," you hum.

The warm water ripples, and you peak your eyes open to see Bree's face inches from yours. "Hello."

Bree narrows her eyes into a squint. "Are you sleeping on me?"

You give a lazy smile. "I'm really tired from the mission, and this bath is sending me on the path of unconsciousness." You hum in contentment. "This bath is relaxing."

"It's dangerous to sleep during a bath."

"You'll save me."

"Will I?"

You open your eyes to glare at her. She laughs, "I'm kidding. Lets get out before you're past the point of saving."

Your eyes slip close as she kisses your cheek before exiting the tub. "M'kay."


It was a little awkward when you and Chase got in the tub together. You never saw one another - nonethless have been together - naked before. Maybe you both have walked in on one another accidently when changing, but it wasn't the same as being fully naked together.

It was a consent agreement to take a bath together. And at first it was awkward, because you both haven't been this intimate before, but after a little while, it was fine.

You and Chase talked about everything and yet nothing at all. There was a few silent moments in between but it was filled with comfortable silence. And when you flicked your foot a little to splash Chase in the face with water, he would make you laugh with his (non)threatening facial expressions.

"Can't threaten me," you say with a smile.

He shrugs. "Maybe, but I can still get you back."

"We are not having a water fight right now." You tell him. "We'll make a mess."

He rolls his eyes, his lips tilting in a smile. "Obviously."

"Don't sass me." You lean to sit up, reaching up to grab shampoo, squeezing some soap into your hand.

Chase asks, "What are you doing?"

You shush him, rubbing your hands together to make it foamy before reaching for Chase's hair. "I'm washing your hair, obviously."

You can feel the glare that Chase sends your way, but all it does is make you smile. You bite your lip when you pull away, trying to contain your laughter.

Chase feels his hair, huffing when he feels it's slicked all the way back. He flicks soap your way, making you yelp.

You rub the soap away from your face just as Chase leans close to press a kiss to your lips.

"Wanna watch a movie when we fininsh taking a bath?" You ask, pulling away to look at him.

Chase nods, "Sure."

"Awesome. I get first pick."


"Well, hello!"

"Leo, get out."

Leo pouts as he sits on the edge of the tub. "I thought you said I can join you."

"Yeah, after taking a bath," you say. "I'm gonna watch a horror movie. I meant that."

"But I wanna talk a bubble bath." He swirls his finger in the bubbly water. "With you."

You sigh long and loud. "You are annoying."

"So I've been told." He smiles cheekily.

You roll your eyes, sinking a little so that your chins grazes the water. "Fine. But only for a few minutes."


You pay no mind to Leo as he sheds his clothes, but after a few moments a wave of water splashes your face when Leo comes in a little too enthusiastically.

You sit up coughing, rubbing the soap and water out of your eyes, growling, "Leo!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He apologizes, reaching to help you wipe the leftover soap on your face. "I didn't mean to."

"You owe me a tub of ice cream," you say, "and candy."

Leo press his hand above his heart. "Anything for you, my love."

You snort in amusement, flicking water at him. "Shut up, you cheese-ball."

A/N: If you want to request, please do. I apologize for not updating, I've had major writer's block.

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