When One Of You Goes Rouge

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"What happened?!"

"Experiment gone...wrong?"

Adam was going to crush Chase's skull with his bare hands.

Adam huffs, clenching his fists to control himself from harming Chase. "Why would you let her be apart of your stupid science experiment?"

"We needed a test subject and I was going to be experimented on but she offered and she wanted to do it." Chase shakes his head regretfully. "If I would've known this would happen, I would never have let her be apart of it."

"But you should have known!" Adam raged, face screwed in frustration and red in anger. "You're supposed to be the smartest man in the world! You're supposed to know these things and you let her--"

"You don't think I know that!" Chase snaps in a hard tone. "That's why I was going to be the one to be experimented on, but she took interest and I told her it was dangerous but she insisted on anyways. She's important to me too, you know!"

Adam's shoulders sag as he releases a slow breath through his nose. Chase continues, "She's family to me, and you know I would never put her in danger." Chase'a lips tilt into a small smile, "After all, you know how hard it is to say no to her."

Adam's lip twitches but he sobers up. "What happened?"

Chase's small smile falls as he sighs, "It was an experiment gone wrong. The chemicals didn't react the way they were supposed to and it messed with her mind and she started attacking everyone."

"Where is she now?"

"In the infirmary, she's sedated." Chase answers. "We're also flushing out the chemicals so she should be okay." Chase places his hand on Adam's shoulder, "I'm sorry for putting her in harm's way, but I promise she'll be okay."

Adam looks at the floor and nods, "Okay."


You toss a metal tray at Bree as she ducks and storms your way with a gun in hand.

You run around the corner and into the kitchen of the academy as Bree follows quickly.

Bree flicks the lights, scanning the large kitchen as it lights up. She tentatively steps forward, gun in hand and on alert. She looks around until she's knocked unconscious.

You lower the pan with a sigh, "Sorry, love. Can't have you killing everyone around here."


"So, you're telling me, that my chip got hacked into and I was being controlled to kill all of you?"

Chase nods, "More or less. But we did trace it back to the person and now they're locked up."

Bree covers her face with her hands, whispering, "I'm sorry."

You rub her back in a soothing manner. "It's okay, Bree. Nobody got hurt, and I didn't either. Luckily, everyone was outside so no one was able to witness it."

She uncovers her face to look at you. "I'm still sorry."

You smile at her, kissing her cheek briefly, "There's nothing to be sorry for."

Her lips tilt up in a small, thankful smile.


Chase throws you to the floor, straddling your body and pressing a knife against your throat.

You're holding him off, gritting your teeth when he tries to press harder. You move your head to the side and knock the knife out of his hands, sending it sliding across the floor.

"Sorry, Angel." You pull out the needle from your waist and pierce it in the juncture of his neck.

He stills for a moment before falling unconscious. He falls forward, trapping you beneath his body.

"Are you all right?" Douglas frantically asks, rolling Chase off your body.

"Never been better," You breath, slowly sitting up as Douglas helps you.

Mr. Davenport enters the training area and immediately starts to apologize. "I'm so sorry, I didn't think--"

You hold up your hand to stop him. "It's fine."

It really wasn't. Mr. Davenport wanted to try out his new experiment and used Chase as a guinea pig, but it ended up backfiring because it messed with Chase's state of mind and made him turn into a killing machine.

Mr. Davenport didn't do it intentionally of course, but there was a miscalculation along the way that screwed up the entire experiment unknowingly.

It was going to be difficult explaining this to Chase once he was back to normal.


Leo runs and slides behind the cyber desk and waits to try and calm his breathing and beating heart.

Douglas and Chase often did daily check-ups on you to see how your shifting is affecting your body and whatnot.

Douglas wanted to inject you with a type of serum that made you a bit more animalistic to see how you would react, but Chase didn't agree with it because if the animal inside you took over, you wouldn't have control nor conscious of your body.

But Douglas didn't listen and lied to you and Chase about the serum and injected it into your blood stream without Chase in the room.

And unfortunately you had to turn into a lioness.

Once Leo was able to calm his breathing and heart rate, he turns to lean out to peek around the cyber desk but screams when he comes face to face with you.

One moment he was on all fours and the next he's flat on his back, your paw pressing into his chest which pushes the air out between his lips.

He gasps on a strangled breath as he feels your claws sink through his shirt to his skin. He sees your maws rapidly approaching his throat.

He feels the scrape of teeth against his throat and his mouth opens in a silent scream as he feels the teeth just puncture the skin.

And then there's a tongue rapidly lapping his neck and cheek, and the paw is removed from his chest and he can finally breath. He hears the rapid low whines as you continue to lick the little bit of blood that's still on his neck.

And he knows it's not much but it's enough to scare the hell out of him. But he knows that you're apologizing to him through the painful whines, the nuzzling, and the licking.

And it's gross but he doesn't care because you're both okay and at the moment, that's all that matters.

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