You Get Hurt

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Adam was in the Hydra-loop area, talking to Leo until he heard a loud bang. This had made both boys turn around to see you clutching your hand.

"Sweetheart, what happened?" Adam asked, as he and Leo rushed over to you.

"I hit my finger on the cyber desk." You groaned.

"Come on, let's get you an ice pack. Or how about wrapping tape? Or--"

You cut Adam off by placing your other hand on his mouth. "Adam, I'm fine. No need to ramble on so much, but an ice pack would be good."

He nodded as he took you to the infirmary.


"What is that?" Bree asked, pointing to the bruise on your knee.

You looked at Leo, who was already looking at you.

"Well?" Bree placed her hands on her hips.

"Okay, don't get mad. Leo may have accidently kicked me with his bionic leg." You explained, as Bree shot Leo a deadly look.

"Leo!" Bree shouted.

Leo then sprinted out of the room as Bree followed right behind.

"Bree, don't hurt--"

You were cut off by hearing a girlish scream. You had face palmed and sighed, knowing that Bree had hurt him.


You hissed as Douglas placed an ice pack to your left eye.

"I can't believe you got into a fight." Douglas sighed.

"Well, maybe if the girl would've kept her mouth shut and not ran her mouth about Chase, all her teeth would still be intact." You explained, causing Douglas to smile.

"Well you should have Bree touch this up before Chase finds out." Douglas informed.

"Find out what?"

Douglas quickly whipped around to see Chase. Douglas was blocking his view to see you.

"Care to enlighten me?" Chase asked.

Douglas froze and when Chase tried to look around him to see you, Douglas kept blocking his view until Chase pushed him aside.

"What happened?!" He asked, taking notice of your black eye.

"She got into a fight when we went to the mainland." Douglas explained, as Chase asked why.

"Because she wouldn't stop running her mouth about you, so it escalated into a fight. Don't worry though, she might have got a hit in, but now she has missing teeth and a dislocated nose." You smiled.

Chase couldn't help but smile. "I'm mad at you, but I'm also proud."

You couldn't help but smile too.


"Are you okay?" Leo asked, as he and the Davenport trio rushed over to you and Mr. Davenport.

During the mission, you had twisted your ankle while jumping off a high structure. Adam had to carry you back to the academy as Donald rushed you to the infirmary.

"I'm fine, Leo." You smiled.

"Good." Leo nodded, looking at Mr. Davenport. "Did you give her a bionic leg?"

"Leo!" Bree scolded.

"What? I'm just asking!" He held his arms up in surrender.

"She twisted it, not broken it. It needs to be severely damaged in order to make it into a bionic leg. Like what you did." Mr. Davenport explained. "Right now she's off training and she needs to be on crutches for awhile."

"I think you still should've given her a bionic leg." Leo mumbled as you rolled your eyes. "What? We could've taken matching couples to a whole new level!"

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