Cute Moments

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"Adam slow down!" You squealed, as Adam ran throughout the academy, with you on his back.

"Hold on tight sweetheart!" Adam laughed, as you tighten your legs around his torso.

Adam ran into the living quarters, jumping onto the couch. He laid on his stomach laughing, turning around to lay on his back, with you on his chest.

"Did you enjoy the ride?" He asked.

"Of course I did! I love your piggyback rides," You smiled, pecking his lips.

"I love you, you know that?" He smiled.

"I know. I love you too," You smiled, leaning down to capture his lips with yours.


As you were in the training area talking to Adam, you felt a gust of wind as something pecked your lips. You stood there for a moment dazed as Adam chuckled. "She's at it again."

You groaned shaking your head. As you kept talking to Adam, Bree kept running laps, pecking your lips everytime she passed by. You pulled your hoodie over your head, tighting the strings to cover your face, making Adam laugh.

"Adam, tell her to stop! It's not funny!"

"It is though! It's cute!" He chuckled.

Bree ran by again, pulling your hoodie off as she planted a kiss on your lips. "You don't like my kisses?"

"Not when you're teasing," You pouted playfully.

She laughed, leaning in to kiss you, and just before she could you geo-leaped away, leaving her stunned.

"Karma's great isn't it?" Adam laughed walking away.


You sighed heavily, not knowing why Chase wanted you to meet him on the beach in the middle of the night. As you made your way outside, you scanned the beach, seeing a faint glow in the distance. Once you walked closer, you noticed Chase sitting on a blanket, with candles lit around.

"What's this?" You asked in awe.

"I know we can't leave to the mainland, so I thought we can have a date here." He smiled, as you sat beside him. "I know it's not much, but--"

"This is perfect Chase, thank you." You leaned forward, connecting your lips with his


"My Queen, come cuddle with me." Leo pleaded.

Leo was laying on the couch as you sat at on the stool.

"In a minute, I have to answer these queations." You replied, not taking your eyes off the paper.

"Chase gave you homework, didn't he?" Leo questioned.

"Yes he did." You sighed.

"He's not even here, yet he still manages to be a fun killer." Leo stated as you smiled.

As you wrote, Leo picked you up, slinging you over his shoulder as he plopped you on the couch.

"How'd you--"

"Bionic arm remember?" He grinned.

"Leo." You whined.

"Please? I just want to cuddle." Leo stated, giving you his puppy eyes.

"Fine. Only because I love you my King," You smiled as you laid down, Leo cuddling up to you.

"And I love you my Queen."

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