What They Like About You and Vise Versa

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Adam loved your smile. They way your eyes shined with so much happiness, it made him happy. He would do anything to make you smile, if it meant to act goofy or silly just to make you smile than so be it. All he wanted was to see your smile.

You loved his arms. They way that they would flex when he worked out or when he wore his mission suit made you swoon. Perfection was the right word to describe his arms. You loved to feel them, whether you would trace them lightly or when he would hold you, it didn't matter. You loved his arms to no end.


Bree loved your legs. The way you would move or walk, Bree felt as if she were in a trance. She loved to trace your legs, feeling how soft and smooth they'll feel. She just loved your legs and would get goosebumps whenever she touched them.

You loved her hair. How it was so smooth whenever you played or ran your fingers through her hair. You loved it when she would curl it or leave it in soft waves. At first you were a bit jealous, seeing how perfect her hair was, but quickly turned into love. Whenever you would hug or cuddle, you would nuzzle her hair or play with it.


He loved your smirk. Yes he loved your smile and grin, but he absolutely loved your smirk. Whenever you smirked, it would send shivers to run down his spine. Whenever you did, it held something dangerous, but something fun. He always felt the urge to kiss you when you would smirk.

You loved his eyes. The way he would look at you, you could see all the emotions that he was feeling at the moment. They say that the eyes were the window of the soul, and whenever you would gaze into his eyes, you felt as if you were looking into his soul. Not just his soul though, sometimes you could see your own in his eyes and you loved it.


He loved the way you walked. If you ever walked to or away, his eyes would be practically glued to you. The way your hips would sway always made him feel like drooling. He wouldn't miss you walk for anything.

You loved his hands. He had long hands but you loved how they would wrap around your hands. His hands were soft and smooth, sliding against yours with ease. Your hands fit together like a piece of a puzzle, and you just loved it.

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