Killing Spiders

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You screamed loudly, jumping onto the couch just as Adam barged in, a look of worry crossing his features. "Sweetheart, what's the matter?"

"There!" You shrieked, pointing at the newspaper that was on the floor. "Under the newspaper!"

Adam cautiously  walked forward, bending down and as he picked up the newspaper, there had been a small spider, its legs twitching slightly.

"Eww." Adam, scrunched his face in disgust.

"Kill it, Adam!" You told him, still on the couch.

Adam had quickly stepped on it before making his way over towards you. "Aw, are you afraid of baby spider?"

"It's not funny!" You crossed your arms with a glare.

"It kinda was." He grinned.

You narrowed your eyes further at him. "Then no kisses or cuddles for a week." You smiled as you hopped off the couch. 

"Oh, sweetheart, don't do this." Adam had trailed after you, like a puppy with its tail tucked between its legs. 

"Watch me!"


One of the top bugs - insects - you hated were spiders. Those eight-legged creatures gave you the  creeps. How their multiple eyes would just stare at you, waiting for the right moment to spring into action.

You were in the Hydra-loop area, going over some documents and files until you had looked down at the floor, seeing a small brown spider chilling by your foot. You quickly scrambled off the stool, yelling for Bree in panic.

Bree was at your side in a second, asking what was wrong.

"There was spider!" You pointed at the small creature that was on the floor. 

Bree had rolled her eyes as she quickly stomped on it. "Was it really that hard?" 

"You weren't like that when Douglas brought that extinct spider back." You crossed your arms, giving her a look.

"Because he gave it growth hormones!" She explained, wanting to defend herself. 

"Oh, yeah?" You scoffed. "Okay, next time when I see a spider, I'll make sure to give it growth hormones and then we'll see who's the tough one."


You had been sitting at a table in the cafeteria, typing up a document for Mr. Davenport until you glanced at the wall every now and then, making sure that the spider didn't waver from its spot. 

You weren't a huge fan of spiders. You had no problems with them as long as they weren't near you. With every little move that the spider made, you kept your eyes on it, never wavering your gaze until you knew it wouldn't move.

"Why do you keep staring at the wall?" Chase asked, as he stood beside your chair.

"There's a spider. Can you kill it?" You asked him.

Chase suddenly smiled in amusement. "You're afraid." It wasn't a question.

You shook your head, continuing to type up the document. "Let's not go there. You were more frighten than I was when the giant spider that you and Douglas brought back to life, attacked the academy." You looked up at him, seeing different emotions cross his face. You nodded towards the wall. "Now, can you go kill it?"

He sighed as he grabbed some magazine that was on the table, rolling it up as hehesitantly  approached the wall.  

You smiled smugly, leaning your chin on your hand. "Afraid?"

"No." He huffed. "Just taking some precautions." 

He seemed to be going too slow, because Douglas had walked right over, snatching the rolled magazine from Chase's hands and killing the spider.

"Stop acting like a wuss and kill the damn thing." Douglas told Chase, before he and Chase began to bicker at one another. 

You then had gotten out of your seat and walked up behind Chase, running your fingers lightly over his neck, causing you and Douglas to laugh as he shrieked and took off running.


You had planned to sit by the pool and relax while reading a book until a certain little vicious bug decided to ruin your plans, by being on the lounge chair. You called for Leo, making him come within a few moments, telling him to kill the spider.

"This little guy?" He asked, picking up the Daddy Long-legs.

"Yes." You answered. "Can you please get rid of it."

He simply walked over some bushes, placing the spider there before walking over towards you. 

"I love spiders. I can't see why you're afraid of them." Leo stated.

"I just am." You shrugged, giving him a look-over. "Wanna be Spiderman."

"Hey, Spiderman is a cool superhero. Don't insult him."  

"Then I'll just insult you then."

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