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You and Adam were sitting in the cafeteria where Adam and leaned over to peck your lips.

"Adam and [Name] sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Spin sang with a smile. "First comes love, then comes marragie, then comes a baby in a baby carriage."

Adam smirked at Spin. "I've already got the kiss down. We are going to get married, and kid, I promise you this person," Adam pointed to you, "will have a baby in a baby carriage, one way or another."

Your face was tomato red for the rest of lunch.


After coming back from a mission, Bree had crashed out on the couch, exhausted. She had super sped out of a burning building, going in and out to resuce citizens.

You looked down at her with with a smile, leaning down to kiss her cheek, but instead she shifted and you kissed her lips instead.

You had pulled back abruptly, cheeks aflame as Bree pulled you down into a real kiss.

"If you wanted to kiss, you could've just asked." She murmured against your lips.

"Shut up."


You felt eyes on you as you released your built up stress out on a punching bag. You smirked faintly, releasing a few more punches before holding the bag still.

"See something you like?" You asked, turning to look at Chase.

Chase had snapped out of his daze, his cheeks flushing. You smirked at him, making him flush even more.

"Aww, is my Chase-y blushing?" You teased.

Chase had huffed and walked away in embarrassment, hearing your distant laughter.


Leo had been flirting with you non-stop, trying to make you flustered, but had no satisfaction as you would roll your eyes or tell him to leave you alone.

His continuation flirtation had steered Adam, Bree, and Chase away, avoiding you both at all costs.

"Leo, I swear if you don't leave me alone, I will feed you to the sharks." You warned dangerously.

"Okay, okay! One more, please?" He asked, as you sighed through your nose. "Did it hurt?"

You rolled your eyes. "Let me guess, when I fell from heaven?"

"No." Leo shook his head, smiling softly. "Did it hurt when you fell from me?"

He was so sincere, and he had smiled a soft smile that when he had said it, that it had made you blush and look away.

"You have no idea."

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