When You Break a Bone

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"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Adam, I'm fine."

You smile as the nurse casts your right hand. During training you broken your index finger when you fell and landed in a wrong position, and Adam freaked when he found out. He often worried and wouldn't leave your side until he knew you were fine.

Which was hard to believe every time you told him you were fine.

"Adam, I'm fine."

"But are you sure?"


"I just wanna be sure!" He moves to stand beside the gurney. "If you need anything, let me know okay?"

You smile, knowing that if you try doing things on your own, Adam will hover. You knew that if he became too overprotective, he would step down if you told him. "Okay."




"Can you try to not murder your brother?"

Bree narrows her eyes in a deadly glare.

"Let Leo go."

"He broke your arm!"

"Not on purpose!" You shout, defending Leo.

"It was an accident!" Leo tells Bree. He whines as he tries moving out of Bree's arm-lock. "Get OFF OF ME!!!"

"Bree! Get off him or so help me..."

Bree grits her teeth as she releases Leo's arm and gets up off him. She presses her foot in the middle of his back, which makes him yell. "Touch her again and I'll break your--"

Before she can finish, you move and drag her off Leo by your good arm. "We need to talk."

"Thank you!" Leo groans as he watches you drag Bree away. He stays on the floor, closing his eyes. "I'll just stay here."


"What are you doing?"

"Nothing that concerns you."

Chase shot you an unimpressive look. "Need help?"

"Nope!" You shake your head. You keep your hand under the table as you use your other hand to try and each your lunch.

"Let me see your other hand."

"Why?" You ask in a nonchalant tone.

Douglas eyes move between you both as he eats his sandwhich.

"[Name]..." Chase tone holds warning, and you glare at him as you lift up your hand onto the table, showing the blue cast. "What happened?"

"I broke my wrist."

"And you didn't think to tell me?!" Chase shouts, motioning to your cast. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Because you are always like this when I get hurt!" You raise your voice. "I can take care of myself and I don't need you worrying--"

"It's because I care!" He snaps suddenly, making Douglas' eyes go wide. "I care about you and I don't want to see you getting hurt!" He huffs in frustration, looking away.

"I'm sorry." You intone, looking down at your plate. "I should've told you."

Douglas shifts awkwardly in his seat. "Well then." Douglas forces a smile as he moves to stand. "I must get going--"

"Sit down!" Chase yanks him back down in his chair. "I know full well that you helped [Name] try to keep this from me."

"Did not!" Douglas denies as Chase narrows his eyes. "Okay, I did. But she needed me!"

Chase keeps his eyes narrow in a glare as he turns to you. "We're gonna have a talk."

You smile to ease the tension, giving him a two finger salute. "Yes sir."



Leo's heart sinks low in the pit of his stomach, and his body seems to freeze as well.

Your voice carries through the air, hoarse and filled with so much pain and agony, that it sends shivers down Leo's spine. Even when you were hurt, you weren't one to express so much pain but hearing you now, Leo knows that something is really wrong.

Leo rushes to the sound of your voice crying out his name, his heart pounding so hard that it physically aches. His body shakes violently as he skids to a halt in front of you.

"Leo!" You wail, tears pooling and face twisted in agony. Your breathing comes in short rasps as you claw at the cement beneath you. "Leo, it hurts."

Leo rushes and skids on his knees, holding your face bewteen his hands. "I'm here, I'm here. We'll get you out." He reassures you, glancing at the debris that fell on your leg. Leo feels vomit rising in his throat when he sees all the blood. There was so much. "Adam!"

"We're here!" Bree annouces their presence, gasping as Chase's eyes blow wide.

Chase is quick to help and direct Adam on carefully lifting the debris as Leo holds you in his arms.


"You all right?"

"I'm fine."

"You positive?"

"Positive." You confirm, smiling at the Davenport family.

You now had a bionic leg since there was no way of saving your other one.

"Hey..." Leo's lips slowly turn up in a smile. "Now that you have a bionic leg, we now take matching couples to a new whole level."

"Oh, Leo," you sigh.

"We now are the best matching couple out there!"

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