Commando App

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Adam takes a step back in surprise as you lash out at your temporary opponent, Chase - well - Spike.

"Douglas, what did you do?!" Bree whirls on Douglas as Spike and your alter ego, Razor, go at it.

Douglas shrugs innocently as he monitors the fight, checking his tablet every so often. "I need to make sure that after Spike lashes out, he gets shut down right after. You know how Spike gets even after a fight, he stays!" Douglas glances up at Spike and Razor before tapping on his screen. "You all know that, this will determine how long he stays after his..." Douglas waves his hand in the air, "you know!"

"But why is my girlfriend, Razor?" Adam turns his body to address Douglas.

"Because she volunteered to the task of fighting Spike and subduing him, and the only way she can do that is being Razor." Douglas looks up from his tablet to look at Adam, giggling. "She's great, isn't she?"

"You turned her into a beast!" Bree exclaims.

Leo tilts his head in consideration. "I think she's pretty awesome."

Adam gnaws on his bottom lip as Razor puts Spike in a head lock, and once they both calm down, Adam can pinpoint the moment you and Chase return to yourselves.

You release Chase as the students surrounding the training area clap. Douglas supports a wide grin as he helps you both up to your feet. "Well done!"

Adam strides across the room to check on you, and you smile as you grasp his hands in yours. "I'm all right, Adam."

"I was worried," he confesses. "Is this gonna be permanent?"

You shake your head. "No, this was just temporary. I was doing it to help Douglas and Chase."

Adam places a kiss on your forehead. "Okay. I just want you safe, that's all."

You smile at him. "I will be."


"Why does my girlfriend have a commando app?!"

Douglas and Mr. Davenport shrink away from the monitors, wincing at her tone of voice that booms through their earpieces.


Bree holds up her hand at you, silencing you from speaking anymore as she presses her earpiece to speak to her father and uncle. "Mr. Davenport, you're supposed to be the responsible one, so please explain to me why my girlfriend has a commando app?"

"Because she wanted one, and also because it would be safer for not only her, but for the rest of you."

"But Chase already has one," she points out.

"You know how Spike is, he can't be controlled."

Chase exclaims in offense, "Hey!"

"Like the Hulk." Leo smiles.

"Listen kid," Douglas tells Bree. "Her alter ego is much safer to be around, and if Spike ever makes an apperance, Pepper can handle him."

Bree balks. "Pepper?"

"She's motherly, but she also has some..." Bree shoots you a deadly look, causing you to falter a bit. You finish, mumbling, "Spice to her."

Bree rolls her eyes so hard that you think her eyes might stay stuck at the back of her head. "I will murder everyone and then kill myself."

"Okay," you say, now tired of Bree's nonsense. "Why are you so against me having a commando app?"

"Because I want you safe!" She shouts. "If anything happens and Pepper malfunctions, I could lose you forever!"

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