What You Do During a Storm

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Usually during storms, you and Adam would either be cuddled up on the couch, or the floor with a handful of blankets. Adam would crack a lame joke or pun once in awhile while you both would watch animated movies or cartoons, making you laugh while he held you close. He had the instinct to protect you always, wanting to know that you were safe. And even if you were safe inside the academy, he wanted to be sure he could be there for you.  


Much like Adam, you and Bree would be cuddled up under the blanket or two, holding one another. You both always made sure that you weren't far apart from each other. Being together was a sense of comfort, knowing that she was by your side and vise versa.

And if the boys were being over dramatic or causing a large fuss over the storm, you both would kiss each other senseless to piss them off.


During storms, you and Chase would work together to help Mr. Davenport gather all the students and staff members to safety and make sure that the academy was locked down in secure before settling down. You both would have a blanket draped over you both, talking quietly about everything and anything really. Your head would be on his shoulder while he had an arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist. Sometimes you would sit in silence, listening to the rain, and it wouldn't matter because you wouldn't have it any other way.


You and Leo would watch movies, drowning out the storm that brew outside. You both would usually have snacks laid out on the table, eating to your hearts' content while both your eyes would be glued to the Tv. It was a great way to block out the storm.

And when Chase sometimes got on you both for ignoring the storm and giving you lectures about taking safety "precautions" you and Leo would either ignore him or lock him in his capsule (with the help of Bree and Adam of course).

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