When They Get Jealous

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When Adam got jealous, he made sure that whoever was flirting with you made them know that you were his. He would wrap an arm around your waist, telling them politely as possible that you two were running late for a date (which sometimes you two had nothing planned) and take you away. It always made you smile though.


When Bree gets jealous she makes it known. She'll glare hard at whoever is trying to get your attention, and when she realizes it's not working, she'll come up to you and kiss you, making whoever was talking to you walk away. You always found it amusing and would laugh.


Chase will get irritated and roll his eyes when he sees people flirting with you. When he has to step in, he'll lace his hands in yours, politly telling them that you both have to go but when they refuse he'll 'dumb it down' for them. This would make them flustered and walk away. Whenever he gets jealous it amuses you to no end.


When Leo sees anyone hitting on you, he makes it very well known that you are his and that you two are together. He'll be sarcastic and witty, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and telling whoever was hitting on you that you two were togther, and he makes it very clear. When he gets his point across, he'll smile smugly and leave with you by his side.

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