Finding Out They're Bionic

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As you sat in the Davenport's living room, talking to Bree, you heard footsteps running down the hallway. Adam was chasing Leo all around, trying to get the nerf gun from Leo. As they both ran into the living room, Leo had accidentally shot the chandelier from above you.

"[Name] watch out!" Bree exclaimed.

You quickly looked up, only to see a bright red laser hit the chandelier, causing it to explode. When you whipped around, you saw that Adam's eyes glow red until they turned back to his normal eye color.

Everyone froze as Adam looked at you. "[Name], I can explain--"

"What are you?" you asked, cutting him off.

"We're bionic," Bree answered after a moment of silence.

You nodded slowly as Adam strode forward. "Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad, just suprise is all," you replied, smiling slightly as Adam breathed in a sigh of relief.


"I'm going to miss you," Bree stated, holding your hands in hers.

"Bree, school just ended and you're going to see me tomorrow," you smiled as she pouted.

"But it's so long!" Bree whined.

"Whatever you say," you smiled, as she leaned in to kiss you.

"Lets go lover girl!" Chase exclaimed, as he, Adam, and Leo waited for Bree.

Bree had rolled her eyes as you both bid goodbye to one another, turning in different directions. As you crossed the street, you heared a car honk. When you saw the car coming towards you at fast speed, you felt a gust of wind as you landed on your back. When you opened your eyes, you saw Bree hovering above you.

"Are you okay?" she asked worriedly, checking you for injuries.

Then the boys ran over as you sat up, noticing that you were across the street at the park.

"How did you do that?" you asked, as Bree and the boys exchanged looks.

"We're bionic," Leo replied, as you stared at them all.

"[Name], I know I should've told you--"

You cut Bree off by raising your hand. "It's okay. No need to apologize. Thank you for saving me."

Chase sighed in relief as Bree smiled, glad that you weren't upset.


As Chase opened the door, his lips curled upward as he let you in, greeting you as you did the same. Chase had explained that he needed to use the bathroom quickly, as you waved him off. Once he left, you walked over to the kitchen area, seeing a button on the wall. Curiousity took over as you pushed it, seeing elevator doors open.

"Oh, they have a Batman cave, awesome!"

Once you stepped inside the elevator, it went down until the doors opened. As you walked forward, you noticed that you were in a lab. You couldn't believe it as you walked further in. You then heard the elevator doors open and as you turned around, you saw Chase staring at you.

"Care to explain?" you asked, motioning to the lab.

"Look, I was going to tell you--"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" you asked, cutting him off.

He seemed hesitant, but continued, "I was scared that you would think of us as freaks and wouldn't want to be with me anymore."

You smiled softly as you walked closer to him. "I wouldn't ever think of you or your family as freaks, and I would never leave you."

"You're not mad?" he asked.

"No, just wished you would've told me sooner. Now, tell me what type of abilities you have," you smiled, as his eyes lit up.


You had decided to suprise Leo, so as you opened the front door, there was a blast that shot over your head, just missing you by inches. When you looked up, you saw Leo holding his arm up as Douglas stood off to the side with wide eyes.

"What's going on?!" you asked, as you slammed the front door.

"Leo, I think you got this," Douglas patted Leo's shoulder as he ran down the hall.

"Okay, so Adam, Bree, Chase, and I are bionic. Well, it's just my arm that's bionic," Leo explained.

"You have a bionic arm? When did this happen?" you asked.

"A week ago. Look, I would've told you, but being bionic is a major thing. No one is suppose to know about us," he explained. You sighed as Leo stepped forward. "I'm sorry for not telling you."

"It's okay. You're secret is safe with me," you smiled, as he brought you in a hug.

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