They Get Hurt

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You walked all around the academy, trying to find Adam but had no such luck. You then saw Leo in the Hydra-loop area.

"Leo, do you know where Adam is?" You asked, as Leo shook his head a little too fast.

"Nope, not a clue."

"You are a horrible liar. Where is-- he's in the living quarters, isn't he?" You asked.

"No!" He replied as you sped off. "[Name] don't--"

When you arrived, you seen Bree holding up an ice pack to Adam's eye as Chase stood off to the side.

"Adam, what happened to your eye?" You asked, running over to inspect his eye.

"Nothing happened sweetheart." He replied, slightly whincing.

"Chase, who did this and don't you lie." You stated.

"It was one of Adam's students, Jason. It was an accident though." He replied.

You sighed as you looked at Adam. "Well, you're okay and that's all that matters."


"Chase, tell me why you built an obstacle course again?" Bree asked, eyeing the course that Chase built in the training area.

"To see what level the students are at. [Name] here, is gonna to a test run." Chase replied, holding a stop watch. "Ready?"

You nodded as he yelled go. You quickly went through the obstacle course with ease, making Chase smile as you finished.

"Three minutes and twenty-four seconds! New record so far." He informed.

"Please, I can do better." Bree challenged.

"Okay." Chase shrugged. "Just don't use your super speed, you'll hurt yourself."

Bree scoffed as you shook your head. "Love, please don't."

She then took off using her super speed and as she tried to take a sharp turn, she slid and ran into the wall, landing on the ground with a groan.

You and Chase ran over to check on her.

"I told you not to do it." Chase scolded, as she groaned.

"You alright?" You asked in concern.

"Just peachy." She groaned, closing her eyes as she laid her head back on the ground.


As you walked into the Hydra-loop area you saw Adam throw Chase across the room. Chase had hit the wall and fell to the floor.


Adam flinched, hearing your voice as Chase groaned in pain, still laying on the floor.

"We were just playing!" Adam defended, as you bent down to check on Chase.

"Well it doesn't look like that to me!" You exclaimed, suddenly standing up.

Adam quickly ran out and down the hall, with you hot on his heels. Chase then smiled weakly as he heard Adam's muffled shriek from somewhere in the academy.

God did Chase love you.


As you read your book, you suddenly heard a hiss, which made you look up to see Leo's face scrunched up in a grimace.

"Leo, what's wrong?" You asked as you set your book aside, walking over to the small kitchenette that was in the living quarters.

"It's nothing." Leo assured as he ran his finger under the running water.

"You nicked your finger with the knife again, didn't you?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"What? No..." Leo shook his head as he suddenly nodded his head. "Maybe..."

You rolled your eyes, uncrossing your arms as you pulled a bandaid from the kitchen drawer, handing it over to him.

"You are the best." Leo praised as he pecked your lips.

"Damn right I am." You smirked.

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