Best Friend Bonding

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Adam had left with the boys to the main land, leaving you and Bree at the island. You and Bree had decided to have a girls day, just hanging out in the living quarters. You both ate snacks, swam in the pool, read, etc. Now you both were watching some chick flick movie as Bree painted your nails.

"It's so good to have the boys gone." Bree sighed happily. 

You nodded in agreement. "I can get used to this." You then had looked up towards the door. "Speaking of the devil." 

Before Adam could say a word, Bree super sped him right back out the door. "Not today! It's girls day, hang out with the boys." 

You smiled, waving Adam goodbye as Bree pushed him out the door.


Bree had to train her class, thus leaving you and Adam to entertain yourselves for the time being. You and Adam had decided to play Mario Kart, which had been a horrible idea since you and Adam had argued throughout the whole game.

"You shelled me!" Adam exclaimed, licking his lips as he kept his eyes on the screen.

"Did not." You protested, biting your lip to prevent yourself from smiling.

Adam then had yelled out karma as he shelled you, passing you by to win first place.

"You cheated!" You yelled, voice rising in irritation.

"Did not!" He laughed. 

You two kept arguing until Leo came in and unplugged the game system from the wall. "Figure something else to do besides bickering at one another." 

When Leo had left, you and Adam had looked at one another.




As Leo walked in the Hydra-loop area, he had saw you heading inside the Hydra-loop. 

"Where you going?" Leo asked, jogging forward to reach you.

"To go get junk food and a set of horror or comedy movies. Haven't decided yet." You explained as the doors began to close.

"Let me come with you!" He shouted, jumping in just as the doors closed. 

You and Leo went to the main land, buying two bags of junk food and one set of horror movies as well as comedy. You both had also spent an hour an the arcade before returning back to the mainland. 



"Blankets and pillows?"

"Check and check." Leo nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for? Play the movie." You said, jumping beside him on the couch, reaching for the bowl of popcorn. 


When Mr. Davenport had taken the students to the main land for a field trip, you and Chase had turned the training area into a mini lab.

"Why are you trying to create hormones?"


You rolled your eyes in amusement. "For you, you mean."

Chase turned to face you, goggles on his face. "Nooo." He stressed. "I am...I mean..."

You looked at him with a smile. "Admit it." 

Chase huffed in frustration, turning his head away from you.

You let out a joyful laugh. "Chase, come on, you don't need that stuff. Give it to someone who's in need, like Leo."

"Excuse me?!" Leo asked, walking in the training area as you and Chase burst in laughter. "That's not funny."

"It is." You nodded. "Now get out, we're busy."

"[Name], I get all tingly when you take control like that." Leo smirked at you.

Chase had dropped an empty beaker on the table. "Leo! Stop being so gross and get out of here!"

"Okay, okay!" Leo laughed, jogging out as Chase threw a pair of waddled up gloves at his back.

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