Moving To The Bionic Island

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As you and the Davenport family walked out of the Hydra-loop, you all looked around in awe.

"Welcome to the Davenport Academy!" Mr. Davenport exclaimed.

"Of course you named the academy after yourself, what did I even expect." Bree stated, causing you to giggle.

"Well if you all would excuse us, we'll be exploring now." Adam informed as he lifted you onto his back.

"Adam!" you sqeauled.

"What? It's a free piggyback ride." Adam smiled as he ran out of the Hydra-loop area.


Mr. Davenport was going on and on about the academy as Bree sighed.

"Bored?" you asked.

"Yes! C'mon I have an idea." She grinned.

"What are you up to?" You questioned, eyebrow raised.

"Just hold onto my arm." She smiled.

You gave her a wary look as you held her arm. She then super sped out, going unnoticed by her family as you both quickly explored the academy. Within minutes you were back, and as Mr. Davenport looked at you both, you both smiled innocently, laughing quietly as he turned away.


As you stepped out of the Hydra-loop, you looked around observing everything in sight. As Mr. Davenport rambled on and on, you found yourself wanting to explore instead. Just as you were about to sneak into the hall, Chase took your hand.

"And where do you think you're going?"

You groaned as you faced him. "Just wanted to explore."

"Can't you wait until Mr. Davenport is done talking?" He asked as you sighed. "Okay, tell me what I can do to fill your boredom."

"A kiss would be lovely." You smiled, as he smiled leaning in to kiss you.


"Leo, lets go," You whispered.

Chase and Mr. Davenport were engrossed in a conversation as Adam and Bree were talking quietly to the side.

"Okay, okay lets go." He smiled, as you both snuck into a large area.

Looking around you assumed it was the training area. Mr. Davenport looked back to see that you and Leo were gone.

"Where did they go?" Mr. Davenport asked.

"How should I know? They both probably took off." Adam smiled as Bree rolled her eyes.

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