If You Were in a Coma

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Adam wouldn't know how to control his emotions, he wouldn't know what to do. He would panic and freak, because here you were in a coma and he couldn't do anything about it.

You being unresponsive to him, to the world, would send his mind into overdrive because you were always so happy and you would respond to everything. No matter what it was, he would watch your facial expressions or listen to you talk.

But when you're just there, as if you were dead, Adam wouldn't be able to handle it because you were his everything.


Bree would try to be strong, not only for you, but for her family as well because they loved you too. She would try and control her emotions and would hardly try to leave you. She would sit beside you and read, or talk to you about whatever was going on (like Leo getting his hand stuck in the vending machine).

But sometimes when it was just her in the room with you, she would silently cry, because you were her life, and you not being there would make her break down. Even though you were physically there, it still wasn't the same. Because you were unresponsive to her touches and her voice, and sometimes you just looked dead to her, and she couldn't handle it.


Chase wouldn't know how to feel. He was the smartest man in the world, he was supposed to know what was happening and he was supposed to fix every problem that he came across.

And you being in a coma...

Chase would shut down, he would look at your still form with his mind running in circles. He would eventually try to find a cure or do anything he can to bring you back. And he would work constantly, to the point where he wouldn't sleep or eat.

And when Douglas would just silently confront him, Chase would try not break down but he would, because you were Chase's everything, and he just wouldn't be able to live without you.


Like Bree, Leo would try to be strong. He would want to try everything to help you. He would do anything for you wake up again.

He would also sit beside you, holding your hand as he talked to you or read you a book. Leo would try to keep his emotions bottled up but when Tasha confronts him, he would cry.

He'll tell Tasha that he couldn't handle you never waking up because you were his best friend, his lover, and to live in a world without you wasn't worth living.

He'll seek for his mother's comfort, and he would feel like a little kid all over again. A kid who just wanted his mother to tell him that everything would be all right. Because his mother was always right. And he would want to hear that you'll be just fine.

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