When You Get Sick

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When you get sick, no matter how big or small the sickness is, Adam will do almost anything to get you better.

You need soup to eat, he'll make it (or try to at least). He'll call Tasha most of the time so she can walk him through it (but most of the time, she'll just come over and make it). If you wanna watch cartoons or whatever all day? He'll make sure you do.

Adam is like your personal servant, ready to get you anything when needed. Sometimes you'll try to force him to get away, but most of the time he'll be at your side until you're better again.


Bree can handle when you get minor sicknesses like a cold, or a minor flu, but when it's major...

She'll go to Chase and ask him for help. She'll do anything to make sure you're better again. She'll ask around but she mostly goes to Chase because she trusts him the most and if he needs her to get something, she's already on it.

She'll stick by your side most of the time but when she does have to leave you for whatever reason, she'll always check up on you or make sure someone from the family keeps an eye on you.


Chase is the smartest man in the world, so he basically knows exactly what to do. And if he doesn't, he'll research.

Chase will get you everything you need, he'll make sure you're comfortable, and whatnot. He'll make you drink these awful drinks or medicines to make you better ("They help you get better").

And when you need to be alone, he'll give you your space, but you know he's always on the ready when you need him.


Leo like Bree, can handle the minor sicknesses and he knows exactly what to do (because when he was a child, he'll get sick constantly from a weak immune system and Tasha was always making sure he would get better). From being sick constantly as a child, he picked up on a few things.

But if it's major, he'll go to either Chase or his mother, Tasha. He'll do his own research as well, but most of the time he'll go to either one of them.

If there's anything you need, Leo will get it. He'll make sure you're comfortable as possible and whatnot and if he's away, he'll always check in to make sure that you're okay.

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