When They See You In a Swimsuit

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"You don't have to swim if you don't want to."

"No, I want to," you nod. "It's just, I haven't worn a swimsuit in awhile."

Adam shrugs, "You can wear a tux and I wouldn't care."

"No, no," you laugh, shaking your head. You glance over to the side to see Bree peeking around the corner, hiding from Adam's view as she gestures for you to drop the towel.

Your body shakes with nerves and with your eyes screwed shut, you drop the towel.

It's silent except for your pounding heart that roars in your ears. You peek an eye open to see Adam staring at you in awe.


You flush instantly. All your wearing is a red one piece swimsuit and it's not even that revealing, but Adam looks at you like there's nothing more beautiful.

"Red is definitely my favorite color." He smiles, which makes you laugh.

Bree helped you pick out the swimsuit, it wasn't too revealing yet not too modest. It was just the right balance were you felt comfortable in.

You slowly enter the pool, and Adam's cheeks turn red as he clears his throat. "May I - is it okay if I --"

You nod, laughing. "You can, Adam."

Adam smiles as he nears you. He's very respectful and he makes sure he has your permission before he touches you. It sends your heart soaring and without Adam looking, you mouthed a thank you to Bree who gives you a thumbs up in return.


"Well look at you," Bree smiles, as you drop your towel on the beach chair. "Looking all sexy for me."

You sway your hips playfully, which makes her laugh. You're wearing a one piece navy blue swimsuit, which you brought the day before.

"You don't look so bad yourself." You smile, winking at her.

She flushes as she waves off your comment. "Please, you look amazing." She grabs your arm, pulling you towards her. She leans in by your ear and whispers, "So amazing, that I can eat you right up."

"Bree!" You scold, slapping her bare arm.

"Hey!" You and Bree turn to see Mr. Davenport giving you both the stink eye. "Keep it PG."

"Oh, they're fine." Bob smiles at the both of you. "Let them be."

Bree frowns at him. "Better watch it, perv."

Adam, who's standing beside Bob, slaps him at the back of his head. "Those are my sisters."

Adam drags Bob down the beach as Bob mumbles a faint sorry.

"Perv." Bree grumbles, narrowing her eyes disdainfully at Bob.

"Boys are infuriating," you sigh.

"That they are." Bree agrees.


"You not coming in?"

Chase shakes his head as he sits under the beach umbrella and into the beach chair. "Nah, I'm gonna finish reading my book."

"Nerd," you roll your eyes playfully at him.

"Says the girl who read a book the other day instead of swimming," he shakes his head, digging his feet in the soft sand. "Not to mention, recommended me to read the book, otherwise if I didn't, I wouldn't see the light of day again."

"Touché." You grin before shrugging. "Your loss."

As Chase reaches for the basket to pick up his book, he looks at you once before doing a double take as he sees you take off your shirt.

He watches, lips parted as you toss the shirt down on the laid towel on the sand before shedding your shorts to reveal your swim shorts.

You're wearing a simple black bikini top and black swim shorts but man did you take his breath away.

You turn and give him a wink. "Close your mouth before you catch flies."

He closes his mouth instantly as he watches you walk down towards the water.

He looks down and picks up his forgotten book from the sand, shaking it and wiping the sand off.

He doesn't get much reading done that day.


Leo whistles when he sees you in your two piece swimsuit. "Wow."

"So I've heard," you wink at him.

"By who?" He asks defensively.

You roll your eyes playfully. "I was just joking, Leo."

"Well, excuse me for being protective." He places his hand on his bare chest. "I just wanna protect my lady."

"You're too sweet." You wave him off. "You coming?"

"In a minute," he nods. "I gotta put on sunscreen on my legs."

You shrug as you take off down the shore to join Bree and several other girls.


Leo looks away from your figure to look at Spin who's staring at you.

"She's so pretty," Spin sighs.

"And she's taken." Leo slaps the back of his head. "Get going before I drown you in the ocean."

Spin takes off in a hurry to join Adam and Bob who are busy burying themselves in the sand.

"Little twerp," Leo shakes his head as he semi hurries to apply the sunscreen on his legs so that he can join you.

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