When They Catch You Singing

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Adam: Neon Trees - Everybody Talks


You jump and turn around quickly to see Adam belt out the next line.


"Adam!" You yell, heart still hammering from being startled.

Adam grins sheepishly, "Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

You shake your head with a smile, "You just startled me was all."

Adam smiles when he walks towards you, wrapping his arms around you. "Sorry sweetheart." He kisses you and pulls away with a grin. "I like your singing and I like this song."

Your face heats up when nodding in agreement, "I like this song too. Can you help me pick up the clothes on the floor?"

Adam does as so, singing under his breath and bobbing his head to the music which makes your heart flutter.

Bree: Shakira - Hips Don't Lie

You sway your hips to the music as you scrub the dishes, rinsing them before placing them in the dishwasher.

You sing along to the voices, jumping in startle surprise when you feel arms wrap around your waist.

"Bree," you scold as she laughs, kissing your cheek.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself." She hums, swaying your body with hers as you continue to do the dishes. "Your singing and dancing is amazing."

Your face heats up as you try to push her away. "I was not dancing."

She laughs, "Hips don't lie, love."

You grab the dish towel and turm to hit her with it. "You're so cheesy!"

She continues to laugh as you finish up washing the dishes.

Chase: John Legend - Green Light

Chase follows the sound of music down the hall that leads him to the living quarters, and he stops in the doorway in surprise.

You're vacumming, half heartly singing along and moving along to the beat. It surprises him mildly because he really doesn't get to see this side of you. Yes he hears you sing and sometimes you try to get him to dance, but you do it so rarely because he knows that you're not all that comfortable dancing in front of a lot of people.

By the time you turn and see him, he sees your movements falter a bit, surprise gleaming in your eyes as well. But what throws him for a loop is that you continue, not losing your rhythm to the beat as make your way towards him. You grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him close.

"Come just a little bit closer, I just need permission so, give me the green light."

Chase's heart thuds in his chest when you push him down on the couch, and all he breathlessly says is, "Green."

Leo: Queen - Another One Bites The Dust

You jog on the treadmill, tapping your fingers against the handles to the beat of the music.

"Yes, Queen!" Leo shouts as he enters the living quarters.

You roll your eyes, "You mean the song or me?"

"Both," Leo nods as he plops himself down on the couch. "Don't mind me, I won't interrupt."

You roll your eyes half heartly when you see Leo wiggling his eyebrows.

Leo scrolls through his phone, tapping his foot to the beat of the music as you continue to jog. When the song ends, you click the remote to pause the music as you get off the treadmill and head to the kitchenette to grab yourself a bottle of water.

"So, Queen..." Leo trails off.

"You're gonna have to be a little more specific than that." You tell him, moving to sit beside him.

"All I wanted to say was that you're welcome," Leo smiles.


"Me rubbing off my great music tastes on you."

You roll your eyes as you set your half empty water bottle on the coffee table. "You did not. I knew Queen before I met you."

"Sure you did." Leo replies in a doubtful tone, too smug to say otherwise.

"I'm serious, Leo."

He waves you off, eyes glued to his phone. "Sure. Now go take a shower, you stink."

You huff in irritation as you stand to head to the women's locker room. Before walking out completely, you lean against the door frame. "Oh, Leo. You remember the movie where the king bit the dust?"

Leo looks up from his phone, brows scrunched in confusion. "Who?"

You grin devilishly. "King T'Challa."

Leo wails as he throws your half empty bottle at you, but it hits the door frame where you're already long gone, your laughter echoing through the hall.

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