When You Practice Your Bionics On One Another

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Your laugh echos in the training area as you run circles around Adam.

He's trying so hard to catch you, but every time he barely makes contact with you, you're already gone.

"You can do better," you laugh, always making sure Adam's just out of reach.

"Adam, you got this," Douglas encourages. He sees the way that Adam wants to attack, but he knows that Adam's holding himself back so that he doesn't hurt you. "Adam, you need to attack. This exercise is to help prepare for when we fight future enemies. You can't act like this when this happens. You got this, Adam."

When running by him, he's quick to react and he thrusts his arm out and grips you around the waist, slamming you down onto the cushioning mat.

"You all right?" He asks, leaning above you as he notes your startled expression.

"Physically, yes," you nod.

He smiles, "I won. You owe me buffalo wings."

He laughs when you begin to pout.


Bree's face scrunches in frustration when you keep geo-leaping around the room, and you're quick about it so it looks like there's multiples of you.

She tries using her super speed but you're always changing tactics and patterns so whenever she thinks she's going to get you, she doesn't.

"What's the matter, Bree?" You grin as you continue geo-leaping. "Can't catch me?"

"Fifteen seconds!" Mr. Davenport informs while Chase scrolls on his tablet beside him.

"C'mon Bree!"

Bree seethes, "Shut it wanna be Strange."

You laugh as you continue, going faster by the second.

"Ten seconds!"

Bree tries to keep up, but there's so many of you that she can't figure out which one is the real you.


Bree wings it and uses her speed to dive at your figure, her body clashing against yours which sends you both tumbling.

"Congratulations, Bree. You were two seconds late!" Chase smiles as he documents the time on his tablet.

"That's not fair!" She rolls off your body, sitting up to look at Chase. "She wasn't being fair!"

Chase shrugs, "You think our enemies are gonna be fair and let you catch them?"

Bree huffs and turns to send you a glare, "You owe me."

You hold up your hands in surrender, knowing full well not to get on her bad side. "Anything you want."

"All right, lets go again," Mr. Davenport announces.


Chase falls on the floor, grunting when you tighten your legs around his head.

He sees the amusement gleaming in your eyes, and the position that you're both are in, he knows full well what you're gonna say. "Don't."

Your lips tilt up in a small smile, "All right, I won't."

Chase slips his hands onto your lower rear and back, picking you up which catches you by mild surprise. He uses that as his advantage and slams you on that mat, distangling himself from your legs.

You jump up and give him no time to recover when you aim and shoot your lighting volts.

He barely has time to activate his force field in time, which sends him stumbling back a little.

You continue surging the volts out of the palm of your hands, advancing slowly but cautiously closer to him.

He deactivates his force field and barrel rolls out of the way. And when you stop, you're suddenly thrown to the floor and flipped onto your stomach.

Chase pulls your arms back, digging his knee into your lower back. You struggle a little, but knowing that you've been defeated, you lower your head against the blue mat, admitting submission and defeat.

"Well done," Douglas compliments, as he and the students clap. "If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that you were enemies."

"Isn't that kinda the whole point?" Bree quirks a brow, while Chase helps you stand from the floor.

"Yes, yes it is," Douglas nods, turning to look at Leo who's editing on his tablet. "What are you doing?"

"Look," Leo turns the tablet to show Douglas. It's a two picture collage; the first picture is you and Chase in the position of him pulling your arms back, and in the second picture is a Toy Story picture of Jessie pulling Woody's arms behind is back.

Douglas giggles, "Chase is a girl."


Leo steps out of the Hydra-loop and stops when he sees a black panther sitting patiently a few feet away.

Leo freezes in his spot, and the panther blinks.

"Hey," Leo laughs nervously, as the panther's tail twitches slightly.

Leo looks around for an exit, because he knows that if he goes back to the Hydra-loop, it won't shut in time and he can't go to the training area because the panther is right there. He can try running to the hall to his left but he's sure that he won't make it.

"Easy, kitty." Leo takes a hesitate step back, and the panther stands up on all fours and begins to slowly trot forward. "Nice, kitty. No, no, no."

Leo backs away faster now, as the panther continues its advances. Leo trips and stumbles onto his rear, his back hitting the Hydra-loop. "Oh, gods! I'm gonna die! Please don't eat me!"

Leo curls in on himself, eyes shut tight and waiting for unbearable pain and death to take him but nothing happens.

He feels whiskers and suddenly the large cat is nuzzling him. It's purring deeply, like an engine vibrating back to life. And within seconds, there's kisses being pressed to his cheeks and nose.

You laugh as you pull away, "Surprise."

Leo stares at you with a blank expression for several moments before he suddenly combusts into a fury of mix emotions. "HOW?! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?! WHY WOULD YOU--"

Your laugh is rich and gleeful. "I finally mastered my shifting abilities. I can shift into any animal I want now. First my body was allowed to only sprout feathers and Chase and Douglas were able to help me actually shift into anything I want."

Leo's eyebrows are pulled together in confusion. "How long?"

You shrug with an easy smile. "Several weeks. I wanted to make sure I was able to master it before I told you, and scared you."

Leo whacks your arm. "That wasn't funny! At all! You scared me!"

You laugh again, "It was funny! Besides, I thought you liked panthers."

Leo hits your arm again. "You're so--" Leo groans in frustration as he points his finger at you. "You're so lucky I love you."

You peck his lips. "I know."

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