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When you both would cuddle he would be the big spoon, holding you in his arms. You would tangle your legs with his, as you both would watch a movie or simply relax, it didn't matter. All that mattered was that he had you in his arms, thinking how lucky he was to have someone like you.


You and Bree would face one another, simply talking quietly or just gazing at one another. Your legs would get tangled as she would nuzzle into your neck. You would always kiss her forehead lightly, wrapping your arms around her frame, gently playing with her hair. Cuddling like this calmed you both down, she loved to cuddle, pleading until you finally gave in, but you loved it.


Chase would lay on his back with your head laying on his chest, listening to his heart. Your legs would be tangled too. You both would talk quietly, talking about the wonders of the universe, or simply exchange nerdy jokes. Hanging out with him so much, you've picked up on a few. You loved to feel the vibrations when he would laugh softly. He would kiss the top of your head or temple, telling you how wonderful you were as a person.


Leo loved to cuddle. He was a cuddler. When you would get up or walk past him, he would grab your hand, pulling you down to cuddle. You would lay on your back, as he would lay his head on your chest, 'claiming' that he liked to listen to your heartbeat, but you knew how cheeky he could be.

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