They Realize They Like You

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Adam and you were sitting down at lunch, along with his siblings who were engrossed in their own conversation. Adam was talking to you, making dumb jokes and puns, causing you to smile at first, then being able to burst into a fit of giggles. When he actually got you to laugh though, hearing your laughter was music to his ears. He loved hearing you laugh, and in that moment, he realized that he had feelings for you.


Bree had invited you over to have a girls night. You both watched movies, ate snacks, did each others hair, cracked jokes, everything a girl could think of doing on a girls night. As you both watched TV, she looked at you, and she could feel the butterflies in her stomach. It was then she realized she had fell for one of her best friends: you. Yeah, she dated a few boys, but it just seemed so wrong, but with you, it felt so right, and she was perfectly fine with that.


It was when you had taken your second math test. You were slightly nervous, because if you failed you wouldn't pass. You looked at Chase from across the room, but he smiled at you, assuring you that everything was going to be fine. You smiled back, as the teacher past out the tests. The next day when you had received your test back, you saw a big fat 'A+', passing with flying colors. When the bell rang, you ran out, calling Chase's name. When he turned, you showed him your test, as you rambled on saying that all the hard work had paid off. As Chase saw your eyes light up and talk with such passion, it took his breath away. He then realized that he had fallen for the school's rebel, and he couldn't be more happy or proud.


Leo had invited you over to watch a few movies that he had brought from the store, which was mostly horror. As you came in, Leo popped the movie in as you both sat on the couch. As the movie played, you both began to talk, realizing that you both had so much in common than you both had thought; especially for the love of horror movies. The way your eyes lit up as you spoke, and how excited you were when you rambled on about your favorite horror films, Leo realized that he had feelings for you that were stronger than he had felt for anyone, even stronger than what he felt for Janelle, but he couldn't be happier.

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