They Defend You

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There was a student who always made some sort of unnecessary remarks or comments about you, well, about your training per say. You kept this from Adam, not wanting to add more fuel to the fire.

Bree was helping you train on your speed when the student, Lucas, made a few comments on your lack of training (which by the you weren't lacking).

"You know, I would appreciate if you would stop, 'cause if not I wouldn't mind knocking your teeth out." Adam warned the guy.

"Whoa, man. I was just joking--"

"Yeah? That's my girlfriend you're talking about. We'll see if it's a joke when you have missing teeth." Adam smiled, which wasn't a friendly smile.

The student had walked off when you turned to Adam. "Adam, you didn't have to do that."

"I had to. He was messing with my girl." Adam slung his arm around your shoulders, making you smile.


There was a student, Liam, who would throw unnecessary remarks and would be a little too rough during training sessions. Of course you would brush this off and play it cool. No one took notice really, which you were grateful for (because you would retaliate and be a little too rough too).

"Aw, what's the short stack of pancakes doing here? Shouldn't you be with your girlfriend?" Liam grinned, walking past you.

When you were gonna make a sarcastic remark, you saw that Bree had strode acroos the room and punched him in the face, making him stumble back.

"I suggest you shut your mouth before I kick your teeth in." She growled as you pulled her away.

"Bree, you can't just go around and punch people in the face." You told her.

"I can when they disrespect the people I love." She said, as you both walked into the training area.

You smiled, rolling your eyes affectionately.


You were in living quarters hanging out with Bree until Leo had rushed in panic, telling you that Spike made an appearance and he need you to calm him. When rushing to the training area, Douglas and Adam were trying to prevent Spike from lunging at another student, who supported a swollen black eye.

"Talk about my lady like that again, and I'll break your fingers and shove them down your throat!" Spike sneered, ready to lung forward until you stepped in front of him.

"Spike, lets go. No need to hurt him." You assured in a soothing tone. "Lets get out of here, yeah?"

You had dragged Spike to the living quarters, calming him down for awhile until he turned back to his normal self.

"What happened?" Chase asked.

"I don't know. All I know is that Spike made an appearance. Care to tell why?" You asked.

He sighed. "One of the students wouldn't shut up about you, and it ticked me off so much that Spike made an appearance."

"So, you hulked out because someone was talking smack about me?"



"Look, I don't care what you say, leave Spin and Bob alone." You glared at the girl, who was making fun of the duo.

"Oh, yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" She challenged, stepping closer to you, just inches away now.

"If you don't step away in about five seconds, I'll report this to Mr. Davenport and there will be consequences." Leo informed, causing the girl to step back. "I'll leave now if I were you."

The girl had huffed as she walked away.

"You didn't have to do that, I could've handled it." You walked over to Leo.

"No one disrespects my Queen."

You rolled your eyes fondly at his cheesiness.

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