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You felt insecure when it came to missions.

Sometimes you felt like you weren't needed because everyone had an important part to do, while you did something on the more "safe" side.

You were also afraid of your abilities glitching during a mission, which would put your team and yourself in danger. Or worse, civilans at danger.

You would have a few hiccups during some missions, and you hated it because you wanted to feel secure and confident in your work, but instead you would feel doubt and nervous and in doing so, that would effect your abilities.

"I know it's dumb." You twist your sleeves within your hands to distract yourself from looking up into Adam's eyes.

"It's not dumb," Adam scoops you into his lap, rubbing your back as commercials play on tv. "Sometimes I get scared during missions too."

"You do?" You ask, eyes flickering up to see his face.

Adam tucks his chin within your hair, so that he can talk without seeing your surprised reaction. "Yeah, I know I act like I know what I'm doing all the time, but during missions I sometimes get worried about you or the others which makes me nervous. Especially if you're in the line of danger."


Well, that was surprsing. But at the same time, it really wasn't.

Adam kisses the top of your head, "If you want, we can train a bit more so that you feel better about your abilities. And we can get Bree and my sisters to help too if you want."

"You mean brothers?"

"Nope, sisters."

You can't help but laugh, and Adam smiles as he kisses your head once more.


You glare at the person that's standing in the mirror.

You twist your body, grumbling to yourself as the person does the same.

You wished you were a tad more fit than what you were now. Everyone had their flaws, and nobody was perfect; you knew that. But that still didn't help you in internally wishing for having a better body.

Sometimes you didn't care what you looked like because you knew it didn't matter, because everyone was beautiful in their own way. But another part of you wanted to look better, to be more fit.

"What are you doing?"

"Jeez, Bree!" You whip around to see her closing the bathroom door behind her.

You take a towel from the bathroom cabinet to cover yourself up. You were just in a pair of shorts and a bra, and you didn't want Bree to see.

Bree snatches the towel from your body, making you squawk and cover yourself with your hands. "Bree!"

"I know what you're doing," she says, dumping the towel on the counter. "I don't understand why, because you look fine to me. Pretty."

"Look at me!" You splay your arms wide, displaying your body. "Does this scream beautiful to you?"

"It does to me!" She raises her voice a bit. "The first time I saw you, I thought you were the most prettiest girl I ever saw. And as I got to know you, to become your friend and girlfriend, I've always found you attractive. Inside and out." She takes your hand, bringing you closer to her. She points at the mirror. "What I see is my beautiful girlfriend. My partner and friend who I love very much, inside and out."

You purse your lips.

"Everyone is not perfect, you know."

"I know."

She turns you around to give you a sweet kiss. She tucks a lock of hair behind your ear, "I sometimes get insecure too, but then I stop because if my girlfriend finds me attractive, I can't be that unattractive." She nudges her nose playfully agaisnt yours.

You can't help but laugh, "Yeah. Maybe I was just pitying you." She slaps your bare arm, making you yelp. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!"

She gives you another kiss. "I love all of you."

You smile, "I love all of you, too."


You stand in front of the body mirror, frowing at what you see.

There's black and blue bruises that litter your body, some fading into the color purple. There's scars too, and a few stretch marks. Between missions and training, your body was constantly being beaten and thrown. It was rough because lately there's been back-to-back missions, and the training in between has been taking a toll on your body. Your body hasn't had the time to heal.

Burises are everywhere, your stomach, sides, legs. You have a few that are spread on your arms as well.

You know the others have bruises too; Chase had a bruise on his left arm, Bree on her side. You took most of the brunt during the missions, making sure that the others weren't effected as much.

You jump a little when you see Chase in the mirror. You quickly shove on your black t-shirt to shield the mess of bruises.

You especially didn't want Chase to see.

But luck wasn't on your side.

Your mouth opens, but no words come out. You're gaping like a fish out of water.

You don't know what to say.

Chase's eyes are flickering with emotions, one after another within seconds like a film, and his face twitches a little.

His face settles on one of determination.

"I'll be informing Mr. Davenport and Douglas on lessening your training sessions. You don't need much anyways."

His tone of voice leaves no room for arguements, so you nod.

He nods towards the couch, so you both settle down and watch a movie.

He doesn't sit very close to you, which makes you speak, "I'm not fragile, you know."

"I know," he settles more into your side, an arm wrapping around your shoulder. "I just hate seeing you hurt."

"I'll be okay."

And you will be, because Chase will make sure of it.


You look down at your legs, noticing the different lengths and sizes of your stretch marks. You know you have more, after all you've seen them.

Your shifting abilities may have its perks, but streach marks wasn't one of them.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nothing," you place the blanket over your legs.

Leo settles down beside you and throws the blanket aside. He searches your legs, his brows furrowing in confusion. "What are trying to find?"

"You don't see them?"

"See what?"

You roll your eyes, pointing at your strech marks. "My marks!"

Leo shrugs, "Of course. I thought you like had a cut or something."

You narrow your eyes a little. "The marks don't bother you?"

"No, why would they?" Leo sits up to look at you. He narrows his eyes in realization, "You think they bother me? They don't. I think they're cool."

"Cool?" You ask puzzled.

"Oh, yeah." He nods. He reaches forward toward the table to stick a handful of popcorn in his mouth. He munches a little as he speaks, "You're allowed to shift into anything you want, and your marks prove otherwise. I think that's pretty bad, if you know what I mean." He winks.

You shove his shoulder as you cover up your legs and his. You settle back beside him, reaching into his lap for the popcorn. "Thanks, Leo."

"Of course, my love."

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