Getting Caught Making Out

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"Adam!" You laughed, as he held onto you as he ran to the living quarters.

He then tossed you onto the couch, causing you to squeal as he jumped onto you carefully, not putting all his wait on you.

"Gosh, you look beautiful." He smiled, leaning down to kiss you.

The kiss started out sweet, but heated quickly as you gripped the back of his neck, pulling him closer. As he ran his thumb across your cheek, you both heard a booming voice which made you both jump apart.

"That's where I sleep!" Leo shrieked. "Oh, my eyes! My sweet innocent eyes!" He covered his eyes, running back out.

"Leo!" You called, laughing as you leaned back. "I think we scarred him for life."

Adam shrugged, smiling. "He'll get over it."

And with that, he leaned in once more.


Bree had called you into the living quarters, telling you that she needed to speak with you and that it was urgent. You looked down at the book in your hands as you walked through the door.

"Bree, this better be good because I was reading--"

You got cut off by a gust of wind, being pushed back the closest thing which was inside a capsule. Bree's lips were on yours, holding you agaisnt the capsule. You sensed her neediness, and granted her access, which she did not hesitate to accept.

As you contined to kiss her, you heard a squeak, causing you and Bree to pull apart to see Chase.

"Really?! Anywhere but my capsule! Get out of my capsule!" Chase barked, as Bree smirked, stepping out, as you realized that you both were indeed in his capsule.

"What? You afraid you might get cooties?" Bree asked teasingly.

"Yes!" He shouted walking out, only to come back with a windex bottle and paper towels, cleaning the inside if his capsule.


Chase had set up a little date, which was a picnic out on the beach. You both were laughing side bu side, watching the clouds slowly move across the sky that was filled with a different shades of reds, oranges, pinks, and purples.

Chase turned to kiss your temple, causing you to turn to look at him. You smiled as you rubbed your nose agaisnt his before kissing him.

Soon enough you had ended up straddling his waist, never disconnecting your lips. He had ran his thumbs against your hips until you both heard an annoying voice, which made you groan.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

You sighed, rolling off Chase. "Way to ruin the moment, Leo."

"I just came to say hello." He smiled, with a small wave.

"And they say I'm the Fun Killer." Chase rolled his eyes.

"Oh, Chase, you still are."


Mr. Davenport had taken the students to a field trip, leaving the Davenport trio, you, Leo, and Douglas on the island. Everyone had taken the advantage to relax and do their own thing. You sat ontop of the cyber desk in the Hydra-loop area, going through your tablet as Leo strolled in.

"Your lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" Leo wiggled his eyebrows seductively.

You rolled your eyes as Leo walked forward, placing his lips on yours. The kiss quickly escalated as Leo moved closer but stopped when Douglas barged in.

"Ew! Not on the cyber desk! Get off and get me cleaning wipes before I tell Donald!"


"Now, you hormonal child, run!"

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