What They Do When Wanting Attention

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When he wants attention; he makes it very clear.

He'll either cling to you like a Kola Bear, or just tell you straight out that he wants your attention.

Adam has no shame, and you don't mind it because you realize you've been a little too busy. So when you have the chance, you'll go and hang with Adam.


Bree also makes it very clear when she wants your attention.

She'll cling to you or either distract you from whatever you're doing. Sometimes when distracting you, she'll accidently distract the others as well.

If this happens around Mr. Davenport or Douglas, they'll send you away with Bree because they know nothing will stop Bree from getting to you.

So for her, it's always a win.


Chase will try and be subtle about it, but you know him so well that to you, it isn't so subtle.

You'll read him closely, and when you realize he wants attention, you'll give it to him.

Chase doesn't ask for much, so when you know you both haven't spent some time together, you'll seek him out.

Even if neither of you says much about it, you both know that spending time together will help.


Leo will tell you he wants your attention, and will cling to you like super glue.

If you try doing something else, he'll hold you hostage by cuddling you to death.

You'll try acting annoyed, but you're not really when all he wants to do is cuddle and share a few kisses. You don't put much of a fight when you realize that you two haven't spent as much time together as normal.

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