Disney Movies

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Adam: Beauty and the Beast

Adam and you loved the classics, especially the Beauty and the Beast. Adam would compare you to Belle, because you were so sweet and caring, wanting to help others, not to mention how beautiful you were. Adam was strong like the beast, and if you ever messed with his family, he'll turn into the beast. Adam was your gentle giant, and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Bree: Brave

Merida didn't need a man to save her or love her, just like you and Bree didn't need saving, or a man. You and Bree related to Merida in many ways, from being independent, brave, fearless, and so much more.

Chase: Toy Story

You had forced Chase into watching Disney movies because he nor his siblings were able to because of training and missions and because they had basically lived in a basement their entire lives. Though, his favorite movie by far was the Toy Story triology, the first Toy Story being his favorite. To say the least, you were quite proud because it was your favorite too.

Leo: Finding Nemo

You and Leo loved this movie, loving the characters, to the ocean's colorful reefs, and the humor. Leo once stated that if he ever lost you, he would search across oceans looking for you. It was cheesy, but you loved it. You both would cuddle, laughing and pointing out disney easter eggs in the movie and jokes.

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