When You Get Your Monthly

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Adam will do anything that he can to help you. If your body is sore and aching, Adam will give you a massage and man does he know how to give a wondrful massage.

You want him to cuddle or have him get certain foods that you're craving, he's on it. He wants to make sure you're comfortable as possible, and if there's something he's confused about, he'll go talk to Bree to get her advice. Adam will do basically anything to help you feel better in any way.


You and Bree cycle at the same time, and it can be a blessing as well as a curse.

Sometimes if you and Bree have the time, you'll both cuddle up and watch movies. You both are in tune with one another, and you know how to take care of each other. But it can also seem like a curse because just one little thing can set you both off, and you'll have a fight about it.

It can be annoying, but most of the time you two take care of one another whether if you're fighting or not.


Like Adam, Chase will do anything to make you comfortable. He'll do his research so that he can "properly" take care of you.

Sometimes when you're snappy, he'll leave you alone. He knows when to leave you alone and when to step in, and if he's unsure, he'll tentatively ask because he doesn't want to end up on your bad side.

But if you wanna watch movies and snuggle, he'll be there.


Before Mr. Davenport even came into the picture, when it was just him and his mom, he picked up on a few things.

He knows what to do and what not to do. With being around Tasha and Bree, he knows what to look for and knows how to tend to you if you need him to. If he's confused about something, he'll either go research or talk to Bree. Leo will do anything to make you happy, but if you're being snappy and mean, you bet he's gonna stay as a far away from you unless you ask for him.

He's already learned his lesson more than enough times.

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