How They Ask You Out

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You were standing by your locker, putting your belongings away as you saw someone from the corner of your eye. When you turned, you saw Adam.

"Hey Adam!" you smiled, but it quickly faded as you saw him fidgeting, "What's wrong?"

"Hmm? Oh, I'm fine," he cleared his throat.

You rose a brow, "Are you sure?"

Adam's face then turned a beet red as he began to stutter, "W-Well I-I was w-wondering if you wanted to go rollar skating with me?"

His face was a bright red as you smiled, "Are you asking me out?"

He nodded, not wanting to make a complete fool out of himself since he believed that he already had.

You then stepped closer, smiling a bit shyly, "Yeah, I'll love to."


As you arrived at the Davenports, you knocked on the door, but no one answered. You knocked once more before letting yourself inside. As you were about to call for Bree, you saw a note on the couch. You picked it up, reading that it said to follow the rose petals. You then glances at the floor, seeing a trail of petals. You followed the trail, picking up more notes along the way. They all had one word written in each note that read: Will, you, go, out, with...

After you made it back into the living room, you saw Bree holding up a sign that had the word written: Me?

You smiled wildly, as you ran and hugged her, "Of course I will!"


Chase had called you over just to hang out, which you had agreed to. When you got there, you saw a trail of Hershey Kisses. You followed the trail, picking up each kiss along the way. At the end, you saw a small brown teddy bear with your favorite book. You noticed that the book was marked, so when you opened it, you read the note that was inside:

Now that I've kissed the ground you walk on, will you go out with me?

You then heard someone clear their throat behind you. When you turned around, you saw Chase's cheeks flush as he kicked the floor softly.

You couldn't help but chuckle softly, "I would love to go out with you."


It was lunch and you were sitting with the Davenport siblings,  talking to Bree until Leo sat beside you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders

"So, where should we go this Friday night? To the movies? A fancy restaurant?" Leo asked, adding a few more places.

"Leo, what are you talking about?" you asked.

"I'm talking about our date on Friday night," he replied simply, seeming if it wasn't a big deal.

You then shifted a bit, turning to face him, "Leo, we don't have a date Friday night. Nor have you asked me out."

Leo looked at you bewildered. He was confused.

Really confused.

"I thought that we..." he trailed off, furrowing his brows even more.

"Did you assume we were dating?" you asked amused.

"Yeah, didn't I ask you?" he questioned.

"No," you smiled, shaking your head.

He then smacked his forehead, mumbling about having a stupid dream as you chuckled in amusement.

"Well, I wouldn't mind going to the movies this Friday," you smiled, causing him to snap his attention towards you.

"Really?" he asked, smiling wildly.

"Really, really," you nodded smiling.

His smile grew bigger, "I guess it's a date."

You couldn't help but chuckle, shaking your head.

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