Meeting Spike/Spikette

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Your jaw dropped as you watched Chase destroy the cafeteria, throwing tables and chairs and growling at the students who scurried away towards safety.

"So uh, [Name] meet Spike." Adam smiled sheepishly as he motioned towards Chase - well Spike.

You were at lost for words. "How- how is that even possible?"

"Yeah, he has the command app." Adam admitted, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.

"The commando app?!" You squeaked. "And you didn't tell me?!"

"I know, I know. But sweetheart, you need to leave so you don't get hurt. I gotta take care of him right now." Adam explained, pecking your cheek as he softly urged you out of the cafeteria. "See you soon sweetheart!"

"I need an explanation after!"

"You got it sweetheart!"


"What's going on?"

You saw Douglas kneeling by the door frame that connected the Hydra-loop area and the training area together, watching Bree fighting another student, who you realized was Kate.

"Douglas, why are you watching them?! Stop the fight!"

"I can't!" Douglas shook his head.

"Why not?" You asked as you kneeled beside him.

"Because Bree has the commando app!" Douglas explained as your eyes widen.

"What?!" You shrieked. "Why does she have it?!"

"Because Spikette went awol and we couldn't calm her down and Spike doesn't fight ladies, so I had Spikerella go in there to fight Spikette to wind her down." Douglas explained, motioning to the two girls.

"Spikerella? Seriously?" You asked unamused.

"What? It's catchy." Douglas shrugged.

"Just fix this!" You exclaimed as the girls tumbled into the Hydra-loop area.

"Already on it." Douglas confirmed.



You looked up from your book to see Leo bursting into the living quarters, grabbing your hand as he dragged you towards the training area.

"Leo, what's wrong?" You asked, as he continued to drag you along.

"It's Spike!" He exclaimed.

You knew about Chase's commando app and of course Spike, hearing the stories from his siblings and whatnot, but you've actually never met Spike. Sure Spike made a few apperances at school, but you weren't around to witness it.

As you both entered the training area, you saw Spike grunting and growling, growling at students who quickly ran for their safety. Not only that but he was destroying everything in his path.

Spike was not happy.

Leo pushed you forward, making Spike quickly whip around towards you.

"Hey, there." You smiled softly as you slowly and cautiously walked towards him. "Spike, right? There's no need to ruin things."

As you kept talking to him, softly approaching him, his body began to relax as he watched you. This wasn't Spike at all, but you weren't complaining.

"You wanna take a walk? Let's go take a walk." You offered your hand, as he took it but pulled you towards him.

"How about a kiss instead?"

There he was.

"I thought you respected the ladies." You quirked an eyebrow.

"I do, that's why I asked."

Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. You shook your head slightly as you leaned in and kissed him. He then relaxed completely, turning back into Chase.

Chase pulled away slightly, his brows furrowed in confusion. "What happned?"

"Spike, that's what happened." You said as he groaned, asking if he hurt anyone. "No, you didn't hurt anyone."

"Did I hurt you?" He asked worriedly.

"No." You smiled. "But I think you scared the crap out of the students."

You both ended up laughing, but neither of you minded.


"Leo, care to explain why Chase is going haywire at the moment?!"

Leo whinced as he told you about Chase's commando app and how if his commando app gets triggered he turns into Spike, who is polar opposite of Chase.

"And how was he triggered?" You asked.

"I may have accidently smashed a whip cream pie in his face." Leo confessed quickly, shutting his eyes tightly.


"It was an accident, I swear!" Leo exclaimed.

"Well, for that, you're not getting any kissing action for a week." You informed as you walked away.

"But [Name]!" Leo whined.

"Fix him!" You shouted as you turned the corner.

"Right away, ma'am!"

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