When They Get a Makeover

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You rap your knuckles gently on the bathroom door. "Are you almost finished?"

"Uh? Yeah! Yeah...um..."

You take a step back as the door opens.

Adam steps out and tugs at his leather pants briefly, "It's a little tight, in certain places."

You can't help but stare, seeing Adam dressed as TTho, "Wow."

"How did you get the Ragnorok outfit?" Adam checks out his outfit, tugging it in some places to make it a little less tight and more breathable. "I mean, I lost our bet two days ago. You got this really fast."

"Yeah..." There was no way that you were going to admit that you had the costume stashed in a hidden closet for months.


"You look like trash."

Bree compresses her lips in a thin tight line, looking rightfully pissed. "That's because I am."

You can't help but laugh when she crosses her arms, making the trash bag that she's wearing crinkle beneath her. After a few moments, your laughter dies down, and you can't help but smile at her. "That's what happens when you lose a bet."

She's fuming, and if she were a cartoon character, you knew that steam would've been coming out of her ears. "I cannot believe you."

You're still smiling as you speak, "Just be glad that Mr. Davenport took everyone out on a field trip. No one is going to see you besides me."

"I'm not so sure about that."

You turn around to see Douglas grin as he snaps a photo of Bree on his phone. He's giggling so much that what he says next sounds a little squeaky, "You look lovely, Bree."

"Douglas!" Bree fumes, as she chases after him to what you assume is to break his phone.


"It's been hours, Chase. Get out already."

"It's been five minutes."

"More like five hours," you mutter to yourself. You lean your head back on the couch headrest to stare at the ceiling.

Chase shouts through the bathroom door. "You know I can hear you!"

You groan, leaning forward to glare at the bathroom door. "Curse your super hearing! I swear if you don't come out, I will--"

The door opens, and your jaw drops as Chase steps out through the door. He fiddles with the leather jacket that he's wearing for a moment before looking up to see your reaction. And by seeing your flabbergasted expression, he's flattered to say the least.


You continue to rank your gaze up and down his form. Black and white converse, blue rolled up jeans, white t-shirt and leather jacket...

"You losing that bet was the best thing you ever did."

"Um, thanks?"


"I love it when you lose bets."

"Of course you do."

You grin when taking in Leo's apperance. He's literally dressed as a hot dog.

Leo groans miserably, "You literally couldn't pick anything else? Like at all?"

You scoff, "Why would I do that? It's your fault for losing a bet." You turn and smile when the students around the academy whisper and giggle at Leo.

"You're so lucky I love you."

"I know."

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