Meeting Marcus and Sebastian

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Adam did not like it. He did not like it at all. When you first met Sebastian, everything was fine...that was until Sebastian started to flirt with you.

"Adam, what's wrong?" You asked.

"Sebastian, that's what's wrong." He replied, shooting Sebastian a glare across the cafeteria.

"We just met, Adam. He's just being nice." You informed. Adam contined to glare until you slipped your hand into his. "Besides, you're the only one I wanna be with."

Adam's eyes soften then, knowing that what you said was true. Besides, what's the worst thing that could happen?


"So, tell me. Who am I meeting again?"

Bree rolled her eyes as she answered. "Chase's...rival? I don't know what they are exactly but yeah."

You rolled your eyes as you both walked into the Hydra-loop area, seeing Chase talking to a guy.

As you both walked up to the two, the guy looked at you and smiled. "Hello, my name's Sebastian."

"[Name]." You replied, shaking his hand as he kissed your hand briefly.

"What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He smiled as he pulled back.

You stood there a bit frozen, not really knowing how to react. He caught you off guard, not only you but Bree and Chase too.

But Bree knew for sure was that she did not like this.


You decided to sneak off to the mainland, just to take a little break from the academy. As you walked down the sidewalk, you suddenly got pulled into an alleyway and pinned against the wall.

"Hello there."

"Marcus." You gritted.

He was slightly taken by surprise by how you knew him, but quickly recovered. "Of course the Davenports told you about me. Feels good to know that they still talk about me."

His smirk quickly vanished as you pushed him off, slamming him against the brick wall across from you.

His smirk suddenly came back. "Oh, fiesty. I like it when a girl take charge."

"How are you even alive?" You asked.

"That will be another story for another time." He replied. "But if you tell anyone about this, I will hunt the Davenports down and kill them before you could even blink."

"You wouldn't." You stated.

"Oh, but I would. Kill every single one of them. It's been a dream of mine after all. Rumor went around that you were dating the nerd. If you ever wanted something better, you know where to find me."

And just like that he was gone.


After a lot of begging and convincing, Mr. Davenport had finally agreed to letting you and Leo go out for the night, but being back by a certain time. So as you and Leo took a stroll through the park, a figure emerged, standing in your way.

"Marcus?" Leo breathed, stunned.

"Long time, no see, Leo." Marcus smiled as his gaze shifted towards you. "And who might you be?"

Leo then stepped in front of you. "Stay away from her."

"Oh, is she your girlfriend?" Marcus asked, quirking his brow. "Got yourself a good catch, if I must say."

"Better take a step back, Bushy Brow." Leo threaten.

"Oh, I'm so scared." Marcus stated sarcastically.

"How are you even still alive?" Leo asked.

"Mm, that is for me to know and you to figure out. But I must get going now, see you later Leo." Marcus smiled.

Before Leo could make his move Marcus was already gone.

"We need to tell Mr. Davenport immediately." Leo informed as you both rushed back to the academy.

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